Working on the eye...I refuse to let Corel Painter get the better of me! Using Square Pastel with and without the new 'Fluid' brush settings - my take on 'Fluid Brushes/settings' is that it is very much like Flow in other programs like Krita (and I assume photoshop etc.).

Eye is pretty close now will move on with other parts. And also work more on the Krita version. I think I'll keep trading back and forth to compare how easy/difficult the similar results are to produce.

Masked Lapwing - Corel Painter WIP
by Kenny A. Chaffin
2100 x 2000 pixels
About 3.5 hours so far
Painted in Corel Painter from a reference photo

#art #painting #digital #digitalpainting #Krita #mywork #myart #kacart