IDF posted this today: Last night, a prisoner from the #Gaza Strip was arrested. At the end of his investigation, he was transferred to the custody of a soldier who shot him to death. An investigation was opened by the military police into the circumstances of the shooting.

This is the first time they have admitted to murdering Palestinian hostages, Palestinians have accused IDF to have killed large groups of men and women during their raids in northern Gaza as well as leaving injured Palestinians in the buildings that they later demolished.

Palestinian authority in the west bank have released the names of 7 Palestinians who they say were killed by Israeli police under torture and their bodies have not been released to their families.

Accusations of torture and mistreatments are not new, there are 100s of videos showing how IDF and Israeli police physically and mentally torture Palestinians in their custody, plus countless reports and physical evidence of such crimes.

Unfortunately, the western world seems to be deaf and blind when it comes to the crimes comitted by Israelis in occupied West Bank or Gaza.

#Gaza #WarCrime #IDF #Politics #Torture #WestBank
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


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