Wow. Talk about bitter, sick, twisted. Piling on to tributes of a lifelong public servant. With hate. Yes, Powell was "played" (by Cheney, Condee, Rummy) but acknowledged it and regretted it, so even those of us who were repulsed by the UN lie (he repeated, did not invent) can forgive and look at a whole lifetime of true, deep, public service.

Trump's Statement Bashing Colin Powell in Bizarre 'Rest in Peace' Message Gets Ripped on Twitter

Only Lord #TrumpVirus could use the media attention to speak ill of the dead AND try to make it (like everything) about himself. As shared by George Takei. Strongly agree that we should note who among the GOP/Q cult will actually call out this vile but typical, shameful, dolt. Or is it OK to not only turn a "party" into a demon-worshipping cult but for public leaders to be loudly blasted by another alleged leader immediately upon their death. SMH. As my brother would say (as a child), "Sicko twango!" I'd add, evil too.
