

The Amazing Alien Mothwoman

Désolé, je n'ai pas trouvé de nom plus approprié ("L'incroyable femme-papillon de nuit extraterrestre", ça ne sonne pas aussi bien)

C'est pas parfait, mais sachant que je l'ai réalisé d'imagination, sans modèle, je suis assez content de moi.

#gribouillage #sketch #sketching #dessin #art #amateur #dessin #drawing #moth #papillon #fée #fairy #alien #sf #fantasy #fantaisie #galactique #mywork #d3 #enjomineur


#politcs #anti-antisemitism #germany #jewishlife #science #art #censorship

If German leaders are truly committed to a pluralistic and open society inclusive of Jews, they must confront their own authoritarian tendencies. [...] We write in the belief that the only way of „protecting, preserving, and strengthening“ Jewish life in Germany is to protect, preserve, and strengthen the rights of all minorities. If there is a lesson from the catastrophe of the Holocaust, it is this: „Never again“ means „never again for everyone.“