

Consuming the placenta after giving birth, usually after encapsulation, is a nice practice that is nonetheless popular in some new age circles. Quite often, this is unfortunately promoted as if it is rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine, and that it would have beneficial properties for the new mother.

However, nothing could be further from the truth: eating the placenta is very clearly, documented, not part of Traditional Chinese medicine, or any other traditional practice, and it can even be harmful. These kinds of myths where modern invented "traditions" are falsely attributed harm the treasure trove that traditional medicine truly is.

(1) https://www.happygoatproductions.com/blog/2016/5/11/placentophagy-and-chinese-medicine
(2) https://www.happygoatproductions.com/blog/2017/9/6/a-lactation-consultants-perspective-on-placenta-encapsulation
(3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UzIvjz-bhqw

#placenta #placentophagy #birth #TCM #FalseInformation #acupuncture




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