

Welcome to #timeBomb! In today's episode, we're shifting our attention to another part of the world dealing with a water problem that could affect prices in the United States. The #Panama #Canal is a big deal for the U.S. – more than 40 percent of the stuff we buy travels through it. But here's the issue: the folks in charge of the canal are making some changes. They're allowing fewer ships to go through each day, and they're also telling the really huge ships to lose some weight before they can pass through the canal's locks




#Jean-BaptisteRIVOIRE est #journaliste d' #investigation, fondateur d’ #off-investigation, et #auteur de « L' #Élysée (et les #oligarques) contre l' #info » ( #Edition #LLL, janvier 2022).

Dans cet #entretien par #OlivierBerruyer pour #Élucid, #JeanBaptisteRivoire raconte la manière dont #Bolloré et son #système #tyrannique ont conduit à son exclusion de #Canal+. Fin connaisseur du #monde des #médias, il #dénonce la #collusion entre les #présidents de la #République ( #NicolasSarkozy, #FrançoisHollande et #EmmanuelMacron) et nos #oligarques ( #Lagardère, #Bolloré, #Arnault, #Bouygues, #Drahi, #Niel etc...). Il explique la manière dont l' #information est biaisée, et orientée pour favoriser le #pouvoir ou des #intérêts #particuliers. La #détention des grands médias par des #milliardaires est un #scandale #démocratique, et ne peut aboutir qu'à engendrer de la #propagande, et une #méfiance des #citoyens #français.

#politique #médiatique


Scenes from a #bike ride. These are all of Hartwell's Locks on the #Rideau #Canal in #Ottawa, which is just getting ready for the navigation season, which starts this weekend. Parks Canada still some work to do, yet, including moving that abandoned Siren 17 #sailboat from 2022 that is still there.


Scenes from a #bike trip in #Ottawa today, along the #Rideau #Canal.

Even though it was quite hot out at 28°C, this is still April our "brown grass and no leaves" month here. As you can see there is still #snow and #ice around.

The one photo of the heavy equipment is there to remove the ice skating chalets from the canal - even though they did not get any use this year.

The small, covered #sailboat, a Siren 17, was abandoned on the canal last year. The Parks Canada lockkeepers secured it for the winter but it has still not been claimed by the owner. Hopefully when the canal is filled it can be floated off, put on a trailer and be sent home.

#bicycle #biking #cycle #cycling