

Taipei replica in remote Chinese province fans Taiwan invasion fears

The satellite images show a detailed replica of the heart of Taipei – albeit surrounded by the arid landscape of Inner Mongolia instead of Taiwan’s lush vegetation.

First posted on social media by a Taiwanese data analyst, on March 26, they were later picked up by the website Taiwan News, under the ominous headline: “China creates Taipei mockup to train for invasion”.

FRANCE 24 was able to verify the existence of the mockup, located some 1,200 kilometres west of Beijing.


#China #Taipei #Taiwan #Invasion #war #ChinaAggression #aggression #Imperialism #Mongolia


Opinion | How China can best counter the US-Japan-South Korea alliance | South China Morning Post https://archive.ph/4Zrbw
Sounds good, but is it actually possible or pointless?

Reunification with Taiwan will require a conducive political and economic environment. Beijing must seek economic integration, followed by peaceful political integration, thus winning the hearts of the Taiwanese people.
If Beijing attempts reintegration by using military force, North Korea is likely to follow suit, which would not only lead to acute instability but also contradict the core principles of Chinese foreign policy enunciated in the Global Civilisation Initiative.

Tags: #dandelíon #China #news #opinion

via dandelion* client (Source)


Accused by the West of importing weapons from North Korea, Russia on Thursday imposed the end of the UN sanctions monitoring system against Pyongyang and its nuclear program, a decision denounced by numerous members of the Security Council.

Moscow vetoed a draft resolution that extended for one year the mandate of the committee of experts that oversees these sanctions and was supported by 13 of the 15 members of the body. #China abstained.

"What Russia has done today undermines peace and security in the world, all to promote a corrupt agreement that Moscow has sealed" with Pyongyang, reacted Matthew Miller, spokesman for the US State Department.

North Korea has been subject to Security Council sanctions since 2006, mainly related to its nuclear program. These measures were reinforced several times in 2016 and 2017.


SRussia #NorthKorea #UN #Sanctions #UNSC #Politics


The special issue of Chinese Medicine and Culture, volume 7, discusses the global cross-cultural integration of TCM in the mainstream healthcare, medical education and the practice of medicine. It describes how TCM was established in the west, how schools were formed, how regulation was put together, and what is the future of the profession. With interviews of some of the key pioneers in the field, Ted Kaptchuk, Peter Deadman, Will Morris, Nigel Wiseman, Peter Eckman, John McDonald , Judy James, Felicity Moir, Edward Neal, and Mel Hopper Koppelman. You can access the journal through this link: https://journals.lww.com/CMC/pages/default.aspx
Ioannis Solos was kind enough to also uploaded the pdf of the entire issue on Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fT4BSSEJ5uH8wqeWbry38NoLz2lo4nFJ/view
#tcm #china #healthcare


Chinas Staatsfernsehen zeigt russische Kriegspropaganda

Krieg gegen Ukraine - Chinas Staatsfernsehen zeigt russische Propaganda

Offiziell gibt sich China im Krieg gegen die Ukraine neutral. Doch im Staatsfernsehen wird russische Kriegspropaganda verbreitet.#Ukraine #Krieg #China #Putin #Propaganda
Chinas Staatsfernsehen zeigt russische Kriegspropaganda


"My concerns about the TikTok divestiture bill as a software researcher/developer."

"First, this bill isn't actually aiming to ban TikTok. It really wants to force ByteDance to sell TikTok to someone else who is not controlled by China. It does that by threatening to make it illegal to distribute the TikTok app to Americans unless ByteDance sells TikTok within 180 days of the law taking effect."

"I think what the bill is trying to say is that if ByteDance doesn't sell TikTok, US based app stores have to take down TikTok for US users and US web hosts must not host the TikTok web app for US users. Unfortunately, when I read the text, that's not actually what they have said, because the Internet is complicated and it's hard to write clear rules about it without causing unintended consequences."

"There has been previous attempts by US states, most notably in Montana, to ban TikTok that have been struck down by courts as unconstitutional, because they violate the First Amendment."

"How the bill defines 'hosting services' would seem to reach pretty far into the infrastructure of the Internet to effect its prohibitions."

"The way I read this, I think it would require Verisign to de-platform the domain 'tiktok.com' from the '.com' name servers."

"A related over-broadness concern I have is whether this bill would effect 'peering', or in other words, whether it would prohibit US Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from routing traffic to a TikTok service hosted abroad."

"US law already has the concept of the 'Specifically Designated Nationals list' (SDN list), which is a list of companies and people that US persons and businesses are prohibited from doing business with."

"Another concern I have with this bill is the open-ended nature of the ability to designate other apps as 'foreign adversary controlled applications'."

"I think this definition would cover Telegram, the very popular Russian app whose use is very significant in monitoring ransomware actors and in open-source intelligence of Russian military operations."

My concerns about the TikTok divestiture bill as a software researcher/developer.

#solidstatelife #geopolitics #china #tiktok


Wald - Public Domain

Weiße Rose

#dwr #foto #fotografieren #mywork #fbg #fbd #jamendo #CC #fedibikes #MdRddG #MdRzA #Frühstück #Kakao #Tee


#Welt! Bist du noch da?

Die Welt vielleicht, der #Wald nicht mehr

Bei uns wird über einen #Nationalpark #Egge gestritten:


Mal davon abgesehen , dass die #FDP sich ärgerlich darüber zeigt, dass andere Interessierte #Unterschriften sammeln um das #Thema auf dem Tisch zu halten, ist ein immer wieder vorgebrachtes #Argument:

Die Waldbesitzer hätten in den letzten Jahren hervorragende Arbeit geleistet und die Wirtschaft optimal gestützt!

Kann man so sehen, aber die tausenden von Hektar kaputten Fichtenwaldes (Borkenkäferkalamitätsfläche), der für 'n Appel und 'n Ei nach #China verramscht werden musste, um dort Pappbecher herzustellen, sprechen eine andere Sprache.

Ziemlich ärgerlich jetzt einen #Kaffee trinkend.


Bleibt senkrecht und gesund!