

...but China won't do that for Taiwan????

Raymond Scott Pert - 2024-02-28 03:25:22 GMT

China says Hong Kong’s ‘one country, two systems’ is permanent> Beijing’s point person to Hong Kong said the city’s special governing formula will remain a "permanent structure,” the South China Morning Post reported, as the Chinese official sought to boost confidence in the Asian finance hub.
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2024/02/28/asia-pacific/politics/china-hong-kong-one-country-two-systems/ #China #HongKong #OneChina #ExpatAsia #economy


Russia's war in Ukraine has been knocking on your door, too

Talking about Russia's war against Ukraine, we are not talking about a war between two states. It's is a war between two systems

Two years on, we know if Russia succeeds, we will find ourselves in a world that will be dangerous for everyone without exception

Samuel Huntington predicted that new global conflicts would arise between different civilizations.

Thousands of Ukrainian cities are being shelled not only by #Russian missiles but also by #Iranian drones & ballistic missiles in addition to #NorthKorean artillery shells & missiles.

#China is helping Russia circumvent sanctions and import technologies critical to warfare. North Korea sent Russia more than a million artillery shells. Syria votes at the UN General Assembly in support of Russia.

We are dealing with the formation of an entire authoritarian bloc. As much as Russia, Iran, China, Syria, and North Korea are "different civilizations", according to Huntington's views, they pose a crucial common feature.

The existence of the free world always threatens dictatorships with the loss of power. That's because human beings inherently have a desire for freedom.

Therefore, when we talk about Russia's war against Ukraine, we are not talking about a war between two states. This is a war between two systems — authoritarianism and democracy.


#Imperialism #RussianAggression #RussiaInvadedUkraine #StopRussianAggression #StandWithUkraine


Niemand in Europa kan nu nog achterover leunen

Caroline de Gruyter (NRC)

(...) Als de poging van Vladimir Poetin om Oekraïne in te lijven in een herrezen Russisch rijk inderdaad een test is van de Amerikaanse wil om zijn invloedssfeer te verdedigen, wordt het signaal nu duidelijk: Washington wil niet vechten. Het stuurt zijn bondgenoten aan de frontlinie, die voor het Westen vechten en doodgaan, niet eens genoeg wapens. Voeg daarbij het feit dat de VS elke controle heeft verloren over zijn bondgenoot langs die àndere frontlinie – Israël – en de trend wordt duidelijker. Driemaal raden welke les China, lonkend naar Taiwan, hieruit trekt.

(Tekst loopt door onder de foto.)

Foto van Caroline de Gruyter
Caroline de Gruyter

Daarom bewapent Polen zich nu tot de tanden – 4 procent van het bbp gaat naar defensie. Daarom geeft de Litouwse minister van Buitenlandse Zaken, Gabrielius Landsbergis, keiharde, deprimerende tv-interviews over geopolitiek. Geen oeverloze discussies over zaken- of extraparlementaire kabinetten, maar hard talk over de existentiële dreiging, het „verblindende optimisme” en strategische onbenul van West-Europeanen en hoe een landje tussen Rusland en Wit-Rusland dit kan overleven. (...)

Het is niet verloren. Maar dan moeten Amerikanen en West-Europeanen uit hun luie stoel komen en, net als Litouwers en Polen en de andere frontstaten, erkennen dat dit gemeenschappelijke buitengrenzen zijn, die verdedigd moeten worden. Het is dáár dat het naderende onheil moet worden gestopt.

Hele artikel

Tags: #nederlands #oorlog #poetin #putin #rusland #oekraine #ukraine #europa #eu #europese_unie #wapens #zware_wapens #trump #internationale_rechtsorde #oorlogseconomie #@eurocaro@mastodon.social #israel #china #taiwan #gaza


Perhaps you would be kind enough to allow me to declare a few theses on the #geopolitics of the U.S.

1) If #Ukraine loses the war, it would be a step backwards towards a liberal #world order. Autocracies would be on the rise and #China could feel empowered to invade #Taiwan.
2) If the #West had not supported Ukraine, the #war would already be over. It seems immoral to only half-heartedly #support Ukraine and thereby prolong the suffering for #power games.
3) If #Biden now denies Ukraine #military support for tactical #election maneuvers and fails to deliver urgently needed #ammunition, then his office is more important to him than the well-being of the world and the #future of #freedom.
4) If Biden were to supply the ammunition and thus lose the election, not only would #Trump win but #democracy would be damaged.
5) Geopolitics is a cynical #dilemma that costs many lives.

#nato #europe #Russia #politics #problem #humanRights #justice #cynicism #terror #business #warfare #ethics


Hong Kong: Governments Should Oppose Security Bill

86 Groups Urge Rebukes, Sanctions Against Beijing’s Latest Assault on Rights



National governments should strongly oppose the Hong Kong government’s introduction of so-called Article 23 national security legislation, which will further devastate human rights protections in Hong Kong, 86 civil society groups including Human Rights Watch, said today in a joint statement. On January 30, 2024, the Hong Kong government announced a four-week “public consultation” period for a new national security law under Article 23 of the Basic Law, Hong Kong’s de facto constitution.

#hong-kong #香港 #freedom #liberty #自由 #china #human-rights #human-rights-watch #hrw #glory-to-hong-kong


enter image description here
"whites decided amongst themselves that what their nations needed was less whites? Of course it wasn't the whites that initiated this #agenda. It was a faction of the minorities already present in the #white-nations and a #global #movement lead by a few white #multi-billionaires, backed up by their #NGO front companies, the #UN, #China, and the #fanatics on both the #left and the #right.

Whites are Christians, and many Christians have a guilt complex. When drilled down upon, it is due to their belief in original sin. Ask any Catholic about their deep-seated guilt. Guilt can be played and turned to other purposes. This is the door that the enemies of the west opened and once inside they unleashed their poisonous rhetoric on the white nations. They got in through the white nation's Christian tendency to feel guilty and the need to repent and make amends for any imagined transgression.

It was a perfectly played ploy. For most European Countries it is already too late. Most white nations of the past will not survive this onslaught. The #white #race will be #displaced and divested of both power and territory. They will become The New Jews of the New World Order.

I don't think there is anything that can be done about it either anymore."
