

The entire western world is breaking down into lawlessness and chaos, and the cities of America are the worst hit.

#Squatters are stealing homes all across the blue cities and states, with 1,200 homes in Atlanta now being seized by squatters. Police can do nothing, as "squatter's rights" make a mockery of the rule of law.

Meanwhile, #China is building vast armies of terminator #robots, which will sweep across America as a "cleanup crew" after civil war 2.0 runs its course and millions are dead.

We cover all this and more - including an interview with John Perez about finance, silver and crypto - in today's Brighteon Broadcast News

#Zounds: #Dirty-Squatters


#holocaust #china #europe #history.
If you have access to Amazon, the full documentary is available. Free. I highly recommend it to everyone. A high, high recommendation. You may find it on other websites. It's so amazing and well documented, especially with vintage photographs, that I've watched it numerous times.

Thousands of European Jews Escape the Holocaust by Fleeing to Shanghai, China.
The Port of Last Resort


#Great #Depression at Last! A Meticulously Planned Astonishing Conspiracy Is Concluding Perfectly
#China #Observer

(This video makes a good argument for the idea that the CCP has intentionally ruined China's economy simply in order to stay in power. Though the #people are beginning to speak out more and more, the theory is that since the CCP's police state still has an iron grip over them, the more #bankrupt they are, the less powerful they are.)

"At this juncture, the national policy of "intentional recession" has reached the stage of reaping its final results. Chinese people have had their minds and wallets thoroughly cleansed - the most challenging external factors already eliminated. The trial of the "widespread social control" model has proven highly successful, with little concern about any noteworthy rebellion. "De-industrialization" has undeniably become irreversible."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=vyqtWXqHUwU


Les dominateurs occidentaux en bout de course veulent une guerre mondiale, et je suppose qu'ils vont tout faire pour la provoquer au "bon" moment....

#NATO is preparing the population for a situation when the Ukrainian conflict escalates into a world war.
This is evidenced by the fact that NATO Secretary General #Stoltenberg is trying to connect #Ukraine with the #Taiwan question, writes the Global Times.
Moreover, the definition of the Ukrainian conflict is no longer limited to Europe. It is now being touted as a symptom of a "broader global geopolitical conflict".
Now the alliance is making it clear that its main target is Russia, and China is also a potential adversary. Against this background, Stoltenberg continues to promote the need for NATO expansion, for which war is a necessity.
"Without war, this military organization would lose the meaning of its existence. NATO must have a clear goal. If it does not have one, it must create one," writes the Global Times.
Speaking at the non-governmental Heritage Foundation in Washington in January, Stoltenberg said a Russian victory would allow other countries such as North Korea, #Iran and #China to use force. In an interview with Fox News, he then unequivocally emphasized: "Today it is Ukraine, tomorrow it could be Taiwan."
Hans Helffer

#GlobalWar #Russia #US #USA


Iran is in negotiations with China to purchase a tram/bus system for Tehran worth $12-$13 billion.

It is another push by Reisi's government to cut the pollution in the city and help with the out of control congestion caused by over 12 million cars in the city, most of them over 30 years old.

Iran seem to be increasing it's sale of oil significantly and planning to reach 4M barrels per day in 2025.

There are also reports that Iran is planning to build a second nuclear power plant in Sirik city in Hormozgan province, by the Persian Gulf. The plan is to produce 5GW or energy that is significantly larger than the Bushehr plant that in theory can produce 1GW but hasn't been able to produce more than 30% of max capacity.

#Iran #Tram #China #Energy #China #NuclearEnergy #PersianGulf #Pollution #Tehran