


#ElHiblu3 #Libyen #Malta


🇲🇹 Bei der gestrigen Anhörung im Fall #ElHiblu3 sagte einer der Geretteten aus, der derzeit in Maltas berüchtigtem DC #Safi 'lebt'. Er erklärte, dass er auf der #ElHiblu1🚢 die meiste Zeit schlief und sich von dem, was ihn in #Libyen widerfahren war, erholte.

via @ElHiblu3


#Elhiblu3 #Elhiblu1 #Libya


🇲🇹 #ElHiblu3 Anhörung am 03.02.22:
Der Zeuge Adam S. bestätigte vor Gericht, dass die Geretteten auf der Elhiblu 1 beim Anblick der libyschen Küste Angst bekamen: "Wir hatten Panik. Ich auch." Die Angeklagten "gerieten aber nicht in Panik. Sie beruhigten die Menschen."



"Es fühlt sich an, als würden die Behörden mit unserem Leben spielen", sagen die #ElHiblu3.

Zum ersten Mal erzählten Abdalla, Kader und Amara vor der Kamera @TheTimesofMalta, wie sie vor einem maltesischen Gericht gelandet sind.

👉 timesofmalta.com/articles/view/…




🇲🇹 Auch die @ElHiblu3 stehen in #Malta weiter vor Gericht: Gastern sagte 1 Vetreter v. @AWAS_Malta, dass die Staatsanwaltschaft erst 09/2021 nach weiteren Geretteten der #ElHiblu1 fragte.

31 Minate nach Ankunft der ElHiblu1 in Malta.
31 Monate nach der Verhaftung der #ElHiblu3.




#elhiblu3 #dropthecharges


2½ Jahre nachdem die El Hiblu 1 mit 108 Geretteten in #Malta anlegte, wird 3 jungen Männern weiter Terrorismus vorgeworfen, weil sie den illegalen Pushback nach #Libyen verhinderten.

Heute startet die #FreedomCommission, um @ElHiblu3 in ihrem Kampf um Gerechtigkeit beizustehen.

Freedom Commission calls on Malta <br>to dismiss the trial of the ElHiblu3<br><br>Today, the ElHiblu3 Freedom Commission is launched! It calls on Malta to im-<br>mediately dismiss the proceedings against three young men – the ElHiblu3. <br>Two-and-a-half years after the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1 arrived in Malta <br>with 108 rescued people on board, the prosecution hasn’t formulated an <br>official charge. Upon arrival, the three African teenagers were arrested and <br>accused of a multiplicity of crimes, including acts of terrorism and the hi-<br>jacking of the vessel. Until today, Malta has denied them a fair trial and has <br>violated their basic human rights. <br>In March 2019, some 100 migrants had left Libya in a rubber boat, seeking to <br>escape to Europe. 108 people were rescued from distress by the merchant vessel <br>El Hiblu 1, whose captain was instructed to do so by an aircraft of the operation <br>EUNAVFOR Med. Some of the migrants remained on the rubber boat, fearing to <br>be pushed back to Libya – they... =>
...disappeared and are presumed to have died.<br>Though rescued by the El Hiblu 1, the 108 people were not safe. When realising <br>that the merchant vessel moved back toward Libya, the group protested and <br>eventually convinced the crew to steer north. Three of them (15, 16 and 19 years <br>of age at the time) – who we collectively refer to as the ElHiblu3 – acted as trans-<br>lators and mediators between the captain and survivors. Although nobody was <br>injured, the three were immediately arrested upon arrival in Malta and accused <br>of having committed multiple crimes, including acts of terrorism.<br>The ElHiblu3 were imprisoned for seven months before being released on bail in <br>November 2019. Since then, they have to register every day at the police station <br>and attend monthly hearings during which the prosecution seeks to establish <br>the potential charges to be brought forward. If found guilty by a jury in Malta, the <br>three could face a lifetime in prison.
While members of the Maltese police and crew members of the merchant vessel <br>were heard promptly after the landing of the El Hiblu 1, it took the Maltese prose-<br>cution two years to ask the survivors to testify. So far, six survivors have testified, <br>just one of them in their mother tongue. For them it is clear that the ElHiblu3 are <br>innocent. More than that, they are described as heroes who prevented over 100 <br>people from being forced back to Libya, a place where human rights are sys-<br>tematically violated, and people on the move are routinely subjected to torture, <br>rape, incarceration, and extortion.  <br><br>Eine Grafik zeigt die drei von hinten vor einem schwarzen Hintergrund, mit ineinander verschränkten Armen, davor der Text  ELHIBLU3




2½ Jahre nachdem die El Hiblu 1 mit 108 Geretteten in #Malta anlegte, wird 3 jungen Männern weiter Terrorismus vorgeworfen, weil sie den illegalen Pushback nach #Libyen verhinderten.

Heute startet die #FreedomCommission, um @ElHiblu3 in ihrem Kampf um Gerechtigkeit beizustehen.

Freedom Commission calls on Malta <br>to dismiss the trial of the ElHiblu3<br><br>Today, the ElHiblu3 Freedom Commission is launched! It calls on Malta to im-<br>mediately dismiss the proceedings against three young men – the ElHiblu3. <br>Two-and-a-half years after the merchant vessel El Hiblu 1 arrived in Malta <br>with 108 rescued people on board, the prosecution hasn’t formulated an <br>official charge. Upon arrival, the three African teenagers were arrested and <br>accused of a multiplicity of crimes, including acts of terrorism and the hi-<br>jacking of the vessel. Until today, Malta has denied them a fair trial and has <br>violated their basic human rights. <br>In March 2019, some 100 migrants had left Libya in a rubber boat, seeking to <br>escape to Europe. 108 people were rescued from distress by the merchant vessel <br>El Hiblu 1, whose captain was instructed to do so by an aircraft of the operation <br>EUNAVFOR Med. Some of the migrants remained on the rubber boat, fearing to <br>be pushed back to Libya – they...
...disappeared and are presumed to have died.<br>Though rescued by the El Hiblu 1, the 108 people were not safe. When realising <br>that the merchant vessel moved back toward Libya, the group protested and <br>eventually convinced the crew to steer north. Three of them (15, 16 and 19 years <br>of age at the time) – who we collectively refer to as the ElHiblu3 – acted as trans-<br>lators and mediators between the captain and survivors. Although nobody was <br>injured, the three were immediately arrested upon arrival in Malta and accused <br>of having committed multiple crimes, including acts of terrorism.<br>The ElHiblu3 were imprisoned for seven months before being released on bail in <br>November 2019. Since then, they have to register every day at the police station <br>and attend monthly hearings during which the prosecution seeks to establish <br>the potential charges to be brought forward. If found guilty by a jury in Malta, the <br>three could face a lifetime in prison...
While members of the Maltese police and crew members of the merchant vessel <br>were heard promptly after the landing of the El Hiblu 1, it took the Maltese prose-<br>cution two years to ask the survivors to testify. So far, six survivors have testified, <br>just one of them in their mother tongue. For them it is clear that the ElHiblu3 are <br>innocent. More than that, they are described as heroes who prevented over 100 <br>people from being forced back to Libya, a place where human rights are sys-<br>tematically violated, and people on the move are routinely subjected to torture, <br>rape, incarceration, and extortion.  <br><br>Eine Grafik zeigt die drei von hinten vor einem schwarzen Hintergrund, mit ineinander verschränkten Armen, davor der Text  ELHIBLU3




🇲🇹 Nach 3-monatiger Pause standen die @ElHiblu3 heute wieder vor Gericht.

Es wurde ein weiterer Zeuge gehört, der die Bemühungen der #ElHiblu3, die Lage an Bord zu beruhigen, nachdem sich 108 Gerettete vom Kapitän verraten fühlten, bestätigte.

#DropTheCharges #FreeTheElHibu3
