

#DIADVENT2022 | Day 1

#Diadvent22, #Diadvent2022, #Diadvent-1-12-22 , #Adventskalender, #Adventskalender2022, #snailsmas22 #Calendrier-de-l-Avent, #Advent-Calendar, #Calendario-dell-Avvento #Dezember22, #mywork #gimp #gmic #bildbearbeitung, #photomanipulation, #bildmanipulation, #manipulation-de-photos, #image-editing, #retouche-d-image, #myphotos, #art #experimental

Here's the rules from @lizzischmidt@pod.geraspora.de - DANKE :)))

[here are the “rules of the game” - in de, fr, en, it]
I hope deepl has translated everything correctly ;-)

[de] ♥ wer hat Lust mitzumachen ?
Jeden Tag wieder 1 Türchen im Diaspora-Adventskalender zu gestalten ?
Bild malen, Fotos posten, Fotos bearbeiten, etwas sticken … mach was dir Spaß macht und markiere es mit #Diadvent2022 und poste es öffentlich
Viel Spaß beim mitmachen. Ich wünsche Euch eine gute Zeit
vorletztes Jahr gab es #birdmas20 – letzes Jahr #pigmas21 & dieses Jahr konntet ihr abstimmen und habt euch für #snailsmas22 entschieden ;-)

[fr] ♥ qui a envie de participer ?
De refaire chaque jour 1 porte du calendrier de l’Avent de la diaspora ?
Peindre une image, poster des photos, retoucher des photos, broder quelque chose … fais ce qui te plaît et marque-le avec #Diadvent2022 et poste-le en public.
Amuse-toi bien en participant. Je vous souhaite de passer un bon moment
Bonus :
l’avant-dernière année il y avait #birdmas20 - l’année dernière #pigmas21 & cette année vous avez pu voter et vous avez choisi #snailsmas22 ;-)

[en] ♥ who wants to participate ?
To create every day again 1 door in the Diaspora Advent Calendar ?
Paint a picture, post photos, edit photos, embroider something … do what you like and mark it with #Diadvent2022 and post it publicly.
Have fun participating. Have a great time
year before last there was #birdmas20 - last year #pigmas21 & this year you could vote and chose #snailsmas22 ;-)

[it]♥ chi vuole partecipare?
Creare ogni giorno 1 porta nel Calendario dell’Avvento della Diaspora?
Dipingete un quadro, postate foto, modificate foto, ricamate qualcosa… fate quello che vi piace e contrassegnatelo con #Diadvent2022 e postatelo pubblicamente.
Divertitevi a partecipare. Divertitevi
l’anno scorso c’era #birdmas20 - l’anno scorso #pigmas21 e quest’anno si poteva votare e scegliere #snailsmas22 ;-)


#music #experimental #leftists #squatters #diy #lo-fi #postpunk #london

Best Forgotten by The Apostles

  • Founded in London in 1979 by a rotating cast of characters who came and went around its eventual frontman, Andy Martin, The Apostles were a product of their moment; a group of friends grappling with the political, racial, and cultural tensions of the time. Embracing unfettered creative experimentation, while exploring the personal as poetic, themes of queer liberation, radical leftism, and anti-racism, Best Forgotten - drawn from tapes recorded within the limited means of bare necessity in Islington & Hackney squats between 1981-1983 - offers a rare window into this lost world. 40 years on, within an eerily similar political and economic climate, its message remains as relevant and urgent as it was then...