

#Ancient #warning to #society but it has only made things worse...

Watch: https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1678489786600120.webm

Be careful there is high danger because the following URI goes to #YouTube. Click here only if you are aware of the #danger and effects and have taken appropriate countermeasures for your own protection. Otherwise you will play directly into the hands of the exploitation system. I strongly advise against using YouTube without appropriate protection.


#privacy #surveillance #tracking #internet #economy #capitalism #advertisement #politics #consume #system #soul #finance #money #society #Religion #problem #manipulation #propaganda #fake #life #freedom #democracy #monitoring #America #entertainment #song #music #smartphone #corporation #bigdata


La Suède revient à l’argent liquide - Le Temps

#politique #finance #monnaie #souveraineté

La nation du «paiement tout numérique» fait marche arrière: une nouvelle loi vient d’entrer en vigueur pour obliger les banques à fournir des services en liquide. Une petite victoire contre les inégalités sociales et les craintes face aux possibles cyberattaques



The state can not #hack your #cash but your #cryoto #money

Source: https://blockworks.co/news/jump-crypto-wormhole-hack-recovery

Fast forward to 21st February, #Oasis received an order from the High #Court of #England and #Wales to take all necessary steps to retrieve assets involved with the wallet address associated with the #exploit.

According to a report, $140 million worth of assets were successfully recovered following a counter-exploit. The retrieval was initiated via the Oasis Multisig, and the funds were returned to a court-authorized third party. The counter exploit was only possible with the approval of the Oasis Multisig.

#justice #crime #cybercrime #finance #security #software #smartContract #news #btc #bitcoin #bitcoins #cryptocurrency #wormhole #Blockchain