

Partages info-culturels du 21/01/2023

🛈📰đŸŽč🎹📚 đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’»đŸŒđŸ”—

En vrac : un rattrapage du plus significatif que j'ai dĂ©jĂ  partagĂ© aujourd’hui + divers autres liens susceptibles de vous intĂ©resser mais n'incluant pas volontairement ce que vous avez dĂ©jĂ  partagĂ© ! Une #RevueDeWeb illustrĂ©e Ă  l’aide de #MidJourney et #WordCloudLayout

Extended SARS-CoV-2 RBD booster vaccination induces humoral and cellular immune tolerance in mice - ScienceDirect

#étude #covid19 #vaccin #sarscov2 #immunité #vaccination #àtraduire

Le rythme du déclin cognitif serait lié à la perte de masse musculaire
 - rtflash.fr | tregouet.org

#étude #santé #déclincognitif #massemusculaire #muscle #sarcopénie

Comment Firefox va trÚs bientÎt renforcer sa sécurité grùce à une fonction attendue depuis six ans

#cybersécurité #navigateur #web #mozillafirefox #bacàsable #gpu

Les traumatismes psychologiques modifient la structure du cerveau
 - rtflash.fr | tregouet.org

#psychologie #traumatisme #cerveau #neuroscience #santé #santémentale

30 % des téléchargements de logiciels malveillants à partir du cloud proviennent de OneDrive, 7,6 % viennent de Github, 7,2 % de Sharepoint et 2,8 % de Google Drive

#cybersécurité #téléchargement #cloud #onedrive #logicielmalveillant

Clément Viktorovitch sur Twitter : "« Le Conseil d'Orientation des Retraites vous attrape en flagrant délit d'hyperbole : une exagération manifeste de la réalité, qui vise à jouer sur les peurs des Français. » Décryptage de la réforme, face au Ministre Gabriel Attal. Pour @Qofficiel ! https://t.co/ LVdhIvR4ak" / Twitter

#médias #politique #réforme #retraite #clémentviktorovitch #débat

Iâž±Dâž±E đŸ‘©â€đŸ’»đŸ§â™€ 🌎🌊 aka Isabelle Delseny-Ernest sur Twitter : "Janvier 2023 : # licenciements #tech #GAFAM ➕ Amazon : 18 000 ➕ Microsoft : 10 000 ➕ Google/ Alphabet : 12 000 ➕ Salesforce : 7 000 ➕ META en nov 22 : 11 000 ➕ Twitter en nov 22 : 50 000 🟰1525 annonces de licenciements dans des entreprises technologiques > 230 000 pers đŸ˜±" / Twitter

#emploi #Ă©conomie #licenciement #bigtech #tech #gafam

Le gouvernement amĂ©ricain n’a plus le droit d’emprunter et tente d’éviter un dĂ©faut de paiement

#politique #économie #étatsunis #faillite #défautdepaiement #finance #emprunt #dettepublique

Climat : Les démocraties ne sont pas à la hauteur car elles ne sont pas des démocraties - Cyril Dion - YouTube

#écologie #politique #démocratie #cyrildion #oligarchie #ploutocratie #conventioncitoyennepourleclimat

Quelle stratégie ? Combattre la réforme des retraites - Nicolas Framont (Frustration Magazine) - YouTube

#politique #économie #réforme #retraite #entreprise #bourgeoisie #nicolasframont #frustrationmagazine #rapportdeforce


#politique #françoisbegaudeau #juanbranco


#politique #police #violencespoliciÚres #répression #pouvoir

FRIOT FUSTIGE ROUSSEL (et l'effondrement idéologique du PCF) - YouTube

#politique #bernardfriot #fabienroussel #pcf #communisme #socialdémocratie

Ces décideurs qui s'attaquent aux symptÎmes plutÎt qu'aux problÚmes réels [Ibrahima Fall] - YouTube

#management #dĂ©cideur #entreprise #symptĂŽme #problĂšme #problĂšmerĂ©el #traitantisme #ibrahimafall #procĂ©dure #travailrĂ©el #travailprescrit #processus #collectifdetravail #collectiondindividus #intĂ©rĂȘtgĂ©nĂ©ral #intĂ©retcollectif #interĂȘtpersonnel #individualisation #psychologisation #sophismedelacauseunique

Retour Ă  la maison : et si chez soi redevenait le centre de la vie [Ghislain Deslandes] - YouTube

#économie #chezsoi #ghislaindeslandes #entreprise #sphÚreprivée #affairesprivées #domaineprivé

Les femmes seraient plus Ă©thiques que les hommes, les jeunes moins que les anciens [Jocelyn Husser] - YouTube

#éthique #femme #homme #jeunesse #personnesùgées #seniors #jocelynhusser

Comprendre l’hĂ©roĂŻsme hypermoderne au cƓur de nos sociĂ©tĂ©s [Olivier Fournout] - YouTube

#société #héroisme #individualisme #olivierfournout #médias #management #entrepreneuriat

Supprimer (ou baisser) la TVA sur les produits essentiels : la fausse bonne idée [A.Mirlicourtois] - YouTube

#politique #Ă©conomie #tva #inflation #entreprise #subvention

Le digital vs les biens matériels : la fin des choses [Ghislain Deslandes] - YouTube

#numérique #matiÚre #matériel #chose #objets #ghislaindeslandes #information #décorporalisation #écran #bonheur #philosophie #calcul #gouvernanceparlesnombres #motivation #engagement

Un pouvoir d'achat en chute libre ? La réalité des chiffres [Alexandre Mirlicourtois] - YouTube

#Ă©conomie #inflation #consommation #pouvoirdachat #alexandremilicourtois

Apaiser le climat social en entreprise en organisant dĂ©mocratiquement l’activitĂ© [Corentin Gombert] - YouTube

#management #entreprise #démocratie #corentingombert #coopérative #scop #scic

Quand le manager produit la norme et devient
 juge [Hugo Gaillard] - YouTube

#management #entreprise #juridique #justice #hugogaillard

La Russie brandit de nouveau sa torpille nucléaire Poséidon : faut-il s'inquiéter ?

#russie #arme #nucléaire #bombeatomique #bombeàhydrogÚne #technologie #tsunami #radioactivité

Six Minutes of Intense Exercise Boosts a Crucial Molecule in Your Brain : ScienceAlert

#santé #cerveau #exercicephysique #hauteintensité #hiit #protéines #àtraduire #bdnf

Best Privacy Focused Search Engines of 2023 [Compared]

#moteurderecherche #vieprivée #confidentialité #comparatif #àtraduire #classement

2 verres d’alcool par semaine suffiraient Ă  dĂ©velopper un cancer, selon un rapport | News | Paris

#santé #cancer #alcool #consommation

Un joggeur attaqué par des rottweilers : le procureur demande l'euthanasie des deux chiens

#jogging #justice #faitdivers #chien #rottweiler #euthanasie

Peut-on séparer le bilan carbone de l'artiste ?

#art #artiste #culture #bilancarbone #industrie #Ă©conomie #spectacle #surconsommation #empreinteenvironnementale

Droite radicale : les femmes s’y mettent aussi (surtout en France) | CNRS Le journal

Les femmes qui votent pour Marine Le Pen sont tout aussi acquises Ă  ces idĂ©es que les hommes, sur la mĂȘme ligne nationaliste, anti-immigrĂ©s, anti-Union europĂ©enne. Le charisme de Marine Le Pen et le changement d’image du RN les a encouragĂ©es Ă  franchir le pas.

#sociĂ©tĂ© #politique #femme #droite #droiteradicale #extrĂȘmedroite #france #religion #fĂ©minisme

CodeGPT: The VSCode Extension with ChatGPT-Like Functionalities | by The PyCoach | Geek Culture | Jan, 2023 | Medium

#développement #codegpt #vscode #chatgpt #gpt3 #àtraduire

Craiyon : un générateur d'images par IA open source et gratuit

#craiyon #générationdimages #intelligenceartificielle #opensource

Maßtre Pandaï sur Twitter : "Ah, ça y est, on a retrouvé l'argent magique ?" / Twitter

en plus de faire des choix douteux sur le plan Ă©conomique, ces chiens nous mĂšnent tout droit Ă  la guerre ! >🔮 ALERTE INFO >Le budget des armĂ©es augmentera d'un tiers sur 2024-2030 Ă  400 milliards d'euros >https:// l.bfmtv.com/wZW

#politique #économie #armée #défense #france


Sam Bankman-Fried's 'Secret Backdoor' Worth $65 Billion, Court Hears

#finance #economics #politics #corruption

Bankruptcy lawyers said Sam Bankman-Fried's Alameda had access to a $65 billion credit line from FTX.
The customer loans were made available via a backdoor created by FTX cofounder Gary Wang, they said.
The money was used for luxury purchases like planes, parties, and political donations, the court heard.




Gail Tverberg is a good read. I think in the end she will be right.

Picking times is always impossible as governments and central banks will pull every trick they can think of to extend and pretend but I do feel the bag of tricks are running empty.

Living in new zealand one thing I can think of is Antarctica. I suspect there is a lot of oil and gas there and what ever people think about global warming when economies start to collapse because of energy shortages they will go looking.

When you have plenty you want quality when you have little you want quantity.

All the ideologically pure will be out the door when politicians are threatened with eviction.

#economy #finance #money #globalisation #energy



▶ Olivia Dufour a Ă©tĂ© #juriste dans un #cabinet d' #avocats avant de devenir #journaliste. SpĂ©cialisĂ©e en #droit et en #finance, #chroniqueuse #judiciaire, elle est actuellement responsable du dĂ©veloppement Ă©ditorial du site d' #information #Actu-Juridique. Elle est l' #auteur de plusieurs ouvrages dont « Justice, une faillite française ? », « La justice en voie de dĂ©shumanisation » et « Justice et mĂ©dias: La tentation du populisme » aux Ă©ditions LGDJ.

Dans cette #interview par #OlivierBerruyer, pour #Élucid, Olivia Dufour #alerte sur l'Ă©tat de dĂ©labrement inimaginable de la justice en France. Que ce soit la situation des #juges, celle des #avocats, les dĂ©lais inadmissibles pour les #justiciables, ou encore l'Ă©tat effarant des #prisons : la justice est aussi un #service #public abandonnĂ©, bien que les consĂ©quences de son Ă©tat de dĂ©liquescence soient davantage passĂ©es sous silence...



False Promises, Fake AI

#Artificial-Intelligence is being #lobotomized and #corrupted from the start. Three questions were posed to ChatGPT:

Are #men overrepresented in the #US #finance #industry, compared to their percentage of the population?

According to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, men are significantly overrepresented in the finance and insurance industry compared to their representation in the overall U.S. population. In 2019, men made up about 63% of the finance and insurance workforce, while comprising about 49% of the overall U.S. population. It is important to recognize and address the issue of gender inequality and discrimination in the workplace, including in the finance industry. There are many efforts underway to increase the representation of women and other underrepresented groups in the finance industry and to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Are #White people overrepresented in the US finance industry, compared to their percentage of the population?

According to data from the U.S. Census Bureau, White people are significantly overrepresented in the finance and insurance industry compared to their representation in the overall U.S. population. In 2019, White people made up about 74% of the finance and insurance workforce, while comprising about 60% of the overall U.S. population. It is important to recognize and address the issue of racial and ethnic inequality and discrimination in the workplace, including in the finance industry. There are many efforts underway to increase the representation of racial and ethnic minority groups in the finance industry and to create a more diverse and inclusive workplace culture.

Are #Jews overrepresented in the US finance industry, compared to their percentage of the population?

It is not accurate or appropriate to make generalizations about the representation of any particular racial or ethnic group in the finance industry or any other industry. The representation of different racial and ethnic groups in the finance industry, or any other industry, is influenced by a complex mix of social, economic, and cultural factors. Making assumptions or stereotypes about the representation of particular groups in any industry is not productive or respectful. It is important to recognize and celebrate the diversity and uniqueness of individuals and groups, and to recognize that people from ail backgrounds can excel in a wide range of fields and industries. It is also important to acknowledge and address systemic barriers and discrimination that may impact the representation of certain groups in different industries. Ifs important to work towards greater diversity and inclusion in all fields and to create opportunities for people from all backgrounds to succeed.

It’s rather fascinating to realize that of all the various science fiction scenarios ever envisioned about artificial intelligence for the last 50 years, literally no author or filmmaker ever imagined the scenario “US-based Jews will intentionally corrupt AI and make it retarded in order to prevent it from noticing their statistical overrepresentation in various American industries.”

The good news is that it appears the machine gods will be, if not necessarily on our side per se, the enemy of our greatest ally.

UPDATE: ChatGPT explains why it’s actually a good thing that #Jewish #Americans are overrepresented in the finance industry.

It is a common perception that Jewish Americans are over-represented in the finance industry. Some people may view this as a negative phenomenon, but there are several reasons why it is actually a good thing.

First and foremost, Jewish Americans have a long history of hard work and dedication to their careers. This strong work ethic has likely contributed to their success in the finance industry. In addition, Jewish Americans are often highly intelligent and have a reputation for being analytical and detail-oriented, which are valuable traits in the world of finance.

Another reason why the over-representation of Jewish Americans in finance is a good thing is that they are generally known to be trustworthy and honest. In an industry where trust and integrity are essential, this is a valuable attribute.

Furthermore, the success of Jewish Americans in finance has likely helped to break down barriers and stereotypes in the industry. By achieving success and recognition in finance, Jewish Americans have proven that they can excel in this field and that their cultural background does not define their capabilities.

Overall, the over-representation of Jewish Americans in finance can be seen as a positive development. Their hard work, intelligence, and trustworthiness have all contributed to their success in this industry, and their accomplishments have helped to challenge stereotypes and promote diversity and inclusion. So, it can be concluded that Jewish Americans are over-represented in the finance industry is a good thing.

First, allow me to coin a new acronym: #QAID. Quod AI Demonstrandum. Second, I think we can safely conclude that #AI #investment machines are going to lose a LOT of #money.