

"Bicycle is the slow #death of the #planet."

A banker made the economists think this when [they] said:⁣

“A cyclist is a #disaster for the country’s #economy: [they don't] buy cars and doesn’t borrow #money to buy. [They] don't pay insurance policies. Don't buy fuel, don't pay to have the #car serviced, and no repairs needed. [They don't] use paid parking. Doesn't cause any major accidents. No need for multi-lane highways.⁣

[They are] not getting obese.⁣

Healthy people are not necessary or useful to the economy. They are not buying the #medicine. They don't go to hospitals or doctors.⁣
They add nothing to the #country's #GDP.⁣

"On the contrary, each new McDonald’s store creates at least 30 jobs—actually 10 cardiologists, 10 dentists, 10 dietitians and nutritionists—obviously as well as the #people who #work in the store itself."⁣

Choose wisely: a #bike or a #McDonald's? It's something to think about.⁣
~ Emeric Sillo⁣

PS: #walking is even worse. #Pedestrians don't even buy a #bicycle!

#banksters #finance #capitalism #politics #health #society #problem #wisdom #quote #future #environment #emissions #co2 #Transport #highway #traffic #sports #fail


#Crypto winter is here—and #NFT #artist #royalties are under #hreat

source: https://www.theartnewspaper.com/2022/12/02/nft-artist-royalties-under-threat

Even though NFT creator fees are #contracts, #blockchain #code cannot actually enforce #token transfer stipulations, rendering those contracts essentially voluntary by design. From an operational perspective, royalties were never guaranteed on the blockchain; instead, the documentation of each NFT only requests a royalty, a procedure that platforms have previously honoured in more favourable #market conditions.

In the end, apart from the #scam, there is not much left to speak about in favor of Crypto.

#news #crime #cybercrime #money #finance #fail #technology #software #wtf #omg


Who hasn't been there: You have a bad month and suddenly 26 billion have disappeared?

source: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/11/sam-bankman-fried-ftx-new-york-times-dealbook-interview

“Look, I’ve had a bad month,” he said, to laughs from the audience. “That’s not what matters here. What matters here is the millions of customers” and “all the stakeholders at #FTX who got hurt and trying to do everything I can to help them out,” added #Bankman-Fried. “I don’t think what happens with me is the important part.”

#crypto #exchange #crime #scam #fraud #interview #bitcoin #money #finance #fail #news #btc


Le MONDE, #Macron agent double

En 2010, pour sauver leur journal en quasi-faillite, les journalistes du Monde se font conseiller par un jeune banquier d'affaire en poste chez #Rothschild. Emmanuel Macron prétend offrir ses services "gratuitement" au motif que la cause de l'indépendance des médias l'intéresse. Mais bientôt le doute s'installe... Pourquoi un jeune loup travaillerait-il bénévolement ?

Le plus parlant ? être #menteur professionnel.... Faire croire aux 2 parties, qu'on est leur allié...

Autre lien :
Ep. 08 | Patrimoine de Macron, où sont passés les millions ?

#Politique #France #LeMonde #Finance


Appel à tous-toutes:

Je recherche un modèle Libre-Office Calc de finances personnelles (français ou anglais) qui soit SIMPLE:

  • Entrées / Sorties (crédit/débits)
  • Postes de dépenses / revenus
  • Compte bancaire / Carte / Liquide
  • Solde mensuel

#question, #finance #libre-office, #calc


New Chief Calls #FTX’s Corporate Control a ‘Complete #Failure

source: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/11/17/business/ftx-bankruptcy.html

In a blistering #court filing on Thursday, Mr. Ray described an astonishing level of disarray and said he had never seen “such a complete failure of corporate control.” He listed a series of “unacceptable #management practices,” including the use of an unsecured group email for access to sensitive data, and said the financial information maintained by FTX was deeply untrustworthy.

#Crypto #economy #bitcoin #btc #fail #bankrupt #finance #money #news


More Than 50% of #Bitcoin Addresses Are Now in Loss

source: https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2022/11/21/more-than-50-of-bitcoin-addresses-are-now-in-loss/

Just over 51%, or 24.6 million addresses of the total 47.9 million, are below purchase price on their investments, according to data provided by #blockchain analytics firm #IntoTheBlock. About 45% are in the money, which means they are boasting unrealized gains, while the rest are roughly at break-even

#finance #money #investment #news #crypto #fail


No one loves #Amazon #Alexa ...

source: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/11/amazon-alexa-is-a-colossal-failure-on-pace-to-lose-10-billion-this-year/

Amazon is going through the biggest layoffs in the company's history right now, with a plan to eliminate some 10,000 #jobs. One of the areas hit hardest is the Amazon Alexa voice assistant unit, which is apparently falling out of favor at the e-commerce giant.

#economy #technology #job #labour #news #finance