

No one loves #Amazon #Alexa ...

source: https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2022/11/amazon-alexa-is-a-colossal-failure-on-pace-to-lose-10-billion-this-year/

Amazon is going through the biggest layoffs in the company's history right now, with a plan to eliminate some 10,000 #jobs. One of the areas hit hardest is the Amazon Alexa voice assistant unit, which is apparently falling out of favor at the e-commerce giant.

#economy #technology #job #labour #news #finance



The three main moneymakers for FIFA come from broadcasting, ticket sales and marketing revenue, which all go to organization. It also allocates funding for the host countries to cover the tournament’s overall operations. For 2022, FIFA shelled out roughly $1.7 billion to Qatar, including the $440 million in total prize money for teams. The 2022 World Cup in Qatar is expected to bring in $4.7 billion in revenue.

Host countries rely on the economic impact derived from the tournament to generate revenue, and there are short-term and long-term economic impacts. A surge in tourism, hotel stays, job creation, and above-average spending at local restaurants and businesses are examples of short-term economic indicators.

https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/10/why-hosting-the-world-cup-can-be-a-bad-idea-for-some-countries.html- - - - - -

A ridiculous amount of money spent on what is essentially media attention for a little while. What are they going to do with all that structure after the tournament is done?

#WorldCup #Qatar #Cost #Finance


L effondrement, une série par #lesparasites

Dans cette anthologie de huit épisodes de 15 minutes, on suivra plusieurs destins d’individus et de familles, à différents moments de l’effondrement, tentant de survivre tant bien que mal dans un monde qui ne tourne plus rond, entre manque de ressources (énergie, nourriture…), émeutes, panique et insécurité.

Comment se déplacer, se nourrir, communiquer dans un monde hier confortable, et aujourd’hui hors de contrôle ? Faut-il s’allier et tenter d’être autosuffisants, ou piller les magasins et la jouer chacun pour soi ? Pouvait-on anticiper la catastrophe ? Pourquoi sommes-nous si dépendants du « système » ?

Derrière ce concept, Bastien Ughetto, Jérémy Bernard et Guillaume Desjardins, du collectif Les Parasites, qui observent et questionnent les dérives de notre société depuis plusieurs années déjà dans des fictions engagées.

Une série engagée et hélas totalement d’actualité, qui devrait donner matière à réflexion et parler aussi bien aux « collapsologues » qu'à tous les autres.




les épisodes : https://www.apar.tv/societe/tv/regardez-ici-les-8-episodes-de-la-serie-leffondrement-realise-par-le-collectif-les-parasites/

#film #effondrement #pénurie #essence #penurie #societe #prospective #environnement #finance #géopolitique #collapse #collapsologie

_merci Djan Gicquel


Exclusive: At least $1 billion of client funds missing at #FTX

source: https://www.reuters.com/markets/currencies/exclusive-least-1-billion-client-funds-missing-failed-crypto-firm-ftx-sources-2022-11-12/

They said the "backdoor" allowed Bankman-Fried to execute commands that could alter the #company's financial records without alerting other people, including external auditors. This set-up meant that the movement of the $10 billion in funds to #Alameda did not trigger internal #compliance or accounting red flags at #FTX, they said.

#money #finance #crypto #backdoor #crime #cybercrime #news #fail #cryptocurrency #insolvency