

The #Crypto Geniuses Who Vaporized a #Trillion #Dollars Everyone trusted the two guys at Three Arrows #Capital. They knew what they were doing — right?

source: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/article/three-arrows-capital-kyle-davies-su-zhu-crash.html

So far, liquidators have recovered only $40 million in #assets. “It became clear that they were insolvent but were continuing to borrow, which really just looks like a classic #PonziScheme,” says Kasselman.

#finance #money #economy #fail #crash #scam #technology #software #news #blockchain #bitcoin #bitcoins #btc


#finance #eBooks #business

     A recession by using another call remains a horrible financial system

The current announcement of two consecutive quarters of financial contraction — the traditional begin of a recession — is the result of the regulations championed by way of biden and his allies in congress. Remarkable money printing and federal spending make it harder for companies to rebuild , leading to drain shop shelves and out-of-manage fees. Years of these left-wing rules have step by step gummed up the engines of our financial system, and we’re all now paying the fee. In preference to going through fact and preventing the harm, biden and congressional democrats have announced yet some other legislative bundle filled with even extra red meat and faulty policies . The biden administration pretends it’s no longer happening and has opted for tone-deaf nitpicking over the definition of a recession.

Holistic or no longer, a recession is a period of economic contraction — a period where human beings have access to fewer goods and offerings and where standards of residing are declining. This is precisely what's going on proper now: actual common weekly earnings have dropped 3. Nine% in the ultimate yr as inflation has absolutely outpaced nominal wage growth. On average, each american worker is seeing a $three,400 inflation tax that has been pushed via the fed printing trillions of inflationary dollars to cover reckless federal spending. At nine. 1%, inflation has persisted at 41-yr highs at the same time as fuel charges set data this year. Food gadgets, specifically, have seen even better charge spikes . Flour has spiked forty% within the remaining 12 months. Chicken has accelerated as lots as 36%, at the same time as the fee of eggs has accelerated almost sixty five% over the last 12 months. Furthermore, earlier than accounting for inflation, household internet worth dropped by means of roughly $600 billion within the first sector of the year alone — whilst factoring in inflation, the fall in actual family net really worth is more or less $2. Seventy five trillion.

These are simply a number of the manifestations of the scourge of inflation, fed with the aid of reckless federal spending, this is ingesting away on the center class. Including to this catastrophe, biden’s policies to pay human beings now not to work have doubled down at the recession. Before the pandemic, the hard work force participation fee stood round sixty three. Four% for the duration of the quit of trump management. Now this price is at 62. 2% — having declined every other 0. 1 percentage point due to the fact that might also. In reality, our financial system is lacking roughly three. Three million people due to those rules. Even as our economic system burns, biden has been fiddling with not simply the definition of a recession, but with greater regulations to double down on the crisis. Biden and congressional democrats have unveiled the subsequent iteration in their try and in addition derail the financial system. Their latest legislative agenda could growth near-term inflation, impose crushing taxation on organizations, and would funnel masses of billions of your dollars to their inexperienced enterprise cronies.

Albert einstein as soon as warned that “insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” we’ve already tried creating $6 trillion new inflationary dollars, strolling the national debt up to $30. 6 trillion, increasing tax burdens, rules, and the dimensions government. All it has brought us is forty one-year excessive stages of inflation, falling actual wealth and earning, an exceptional hard work scarcity, and now a recession. It’s time to alternate path and reject this ultra-modern push to amplify the size and scope of presidency. Rather, we should reaffirm our commitment to the restrained government ideas which have allowed the yank people to flourish and build the greatest country on earth


Comment la #FINANCE dirige le #MONDE - #CanardRéfractaire

00:00 : Intro
01:12 : 1 - De la crise économique...
12:44 : 2 - ... A la crise fin Financière
21:41 : 3 - FMI, outil Impérialiste pro US...
34:00 : 4 - ... Jusqu’à l'arrivé de la Chine
40:27 : 5 - Guerres, crises et Révolutions
49:35 : Outro
40:27 : 5 - Guerres, crises et Révolutions

#politique #économie


(Time)Stamping Out The #Competition in #Ethereum

source: https://medium.com/@aviv.yaish/uncle-maker-time-stamping-out-the-competition-in-ethereum-d27c1cb62fef

Thus, a #miner who wishes to replace the last block on the #blockchain, can do so by #mining a new #block of its own which has a #timestamp which is low enough to increase the block’s mining difficulty. This can be useful, for example, in cases where this last block has high paying transactions, or in order to double-spend a transaction contained within the block. Another possibility is for an attacker to preemptively mine blocks with such false timestamps, in order to make sure they win in case of ties with other blocks which might be mined concurrently, or which might’ve been mined in the recent past but haven’t reached the attacker yet.

#scam #fail #software #attack #cybercrime #problem #money #finance #security #problem #news #bug #vulnerability


#sncf #incendies #train #finance #canicule

J'ai vu ce message de Laurent Brun de la #CGT sur un fil Telegram

Bon hé bien voilà, c’est ce que l’on craignait : avec la canicule, le système ne résiste pas… et ce n’est que le début…

Entretien insuffisant du matériel : pannes à répétition…

Plus personne en gare pour informer, orienter, trouver des solutions de substitution en cas de suppression du train…

#Privatisation et réduction de l’entretien des abords : incendie… la végétation est moins coupée, les agents de conduite s’en plaignent parce que ça va parfois jusqu’à masquer la signalisation (!)… ces végétaux sèchent avec la chaleur et à la première étincelle tout part en fumée…

Sujet végétation !

L’entretien de la végétation était réalisé par les agents de l’Equipement (entretien de la voie) et certaines équipes spéciales. Comme le déneigement des quais l’hiver et tout un tas de tâches annexes, ça permettait de lisser leur charge de travail de l’année en plus de la surveillance et de l’entretien courant des installations… mais cela a été jugé trop coûteux et on a donc mis en marche la machine à « productivité » (en réalité la machine a suppression pure et simple). Les équipes de proximité (brigades) ont été supprimées à tour de bras, on a envoyé les agents aux travaux, augmenté les pas de visite et de maintenance, augmenté les délais d’intervention d’astreinte (puisque les agents restants sont désormais plus loin) et transféré les tâches annexes à des sous-traitants. Ça pose une infinité de problèmes que je ne détaillerais pas ici.

Les incendies c’est la faute a pas de chance, quoi que….

Un train ça fait des étincelles… la liaison fer sur fer (roue sur rail), le freinage lui aussi fer sur fer, et surtout en cas de dysfonctionnement des organes de roulement… la liaison entre les essieux du matériel roulant et le châssis est réalisée par un roulement noyé dans la graisse, qui constitue la boîte d'essieu… lorsqu’il se bloque, ça chauffe et avec la graisse ça brûle… la panne s’appelle « boîte chaude »… il y a théoriquement une surveillance des trains pour détecter ces anomalies (des détecteurs automatiques -les DBC- qui contrôlent chaque essieu au passage du train et alertent l’agent circulation en cas de température anormale, où la surveillance des trains en marche -la STEM- par les agents SNCF habilités)… évidemment tout ça coûte cher… donc la direction a mis en marche la machine à « productivité », toujours la même ! Les distances entre les DBC ont été augmentées (je crois que c’est désormais un point de contrôle tous les 40km), les distances entre 2 points de STEM aussi, et finalement tout cela a été négligé au point que de nombreux DBC sont en panne.

L’incendie du massif de la Montagnette près de #Tarascon il y a deux jour aurait été provoqué par un train. L’enquête est en cours mais un DBC aurait signalé un problème. Sauf que c’était trop tard.

Le réchauffement climatique va imposer un meilleur contrôle des éléments pouvant déclencher un incendie. Va-t-on revenir à un entretien des abords des voies plus régulier, des DBC plus fréquents, mieux entretenus… tout cela nécessite du personnel. Il va falloir choisir. Pour l’instant le gouvernement et la direction SNCF ont choisi : c’est le résultat financier d’abord (#concurrence oblige).

Doubler le nombre de trains qui circulent est un bel objectif mais si on le fait dans les conditions d’aujourd’hui ce sera l’apocalypse ! Il faut d’abord des moyens humains et une bonne organisation de la production !

Bref il va falloir se battre pour que le #travail redevienne le cœur de l’organisation de la production et plus la finance. Première étape : 29 septembre… l’hôpital, l’école, l’énergie, le ferroviaire… tous nos services publics souffrent des mêmes maux, mobilisons-nous pour les défendre (en plus de La Défense de notre propre travail et de nos salaires).

Laurent Brun CGT



Easy way how govs could solve the Climate Change Crisis (solution)

  • every government can (instead of moving to over crowded cities for jobs)
    • pay rural citizens to stay in the countryside and plant trees where
    • the local governments need to designate areas for tree planting
  • on the next climate conference the major CO2 contributors of past and present should be present
  • and they need to come up a number:
    • every year we pledge to designate and finance 1000 hectare (10.000.000 square meters) for (diverse) tree planting
      • and pledge to work those forests sustainably & responsibly
    • the mull berry tree shown above is said to handle droughts well (there are for sure other well suited trees as well)
      • while at the same time providing shade for other plants
      • while at the same time providing humans with very delicious fruits

a lot has been said & studied about the very expensive consequences of climate change (yes there is natural climate change, but human made climate change is on top)

need to talk & implement more solutions!

mulberry tree in the desert: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/properly-staked-mulberry-tree–123708321001774198/

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #climate #climatechange #tree #trees #how #howto #fix #solution #solutions

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/08/01/easy-way-how-govs-could-solve-the-climate-change-crisis-solution/


social learning vs systematic stupidity

  • In an ideal world, people learn from each other
  • each others mistakes each others successes
  • in an ideal world a system would foster social learning (the “natural” way how humans learn? by example (hopefully drawing the right conclusions) & from each other))
  • a system that incentivises stupidity & mistakes is a stupid system
  • (example the car industry knows people buy cars (unfortunately) mostly by emotions (big 2t SUV that make people feel important) and if the parts are designed to break after 3 years (they hope) to make 25% extra) – if the incentive here is maximum profit – the car companies did everything right – even if they in reality created a complete catastrophe for everyone

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #car #learning #mankind #social #learn #incentives #profits #psychology #motivation

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/07/31/social-learning-vs-systematic-stupidity/


social learning vs systematic stupidity

  • In an ideal world, people learn from each other
  • each others mistakes each others successes
  • in an ideal world a system would foster social learning (the “natural” way how humans learn? by example (hopefully drawing the right conclusions) & from each other))
  • a system that incentivises stupidity & mistakes is a stupid system
  • (example the car industry knows people buy cars (unfortunately) mostly by emotions (big 2t SUV that make people feel important) and if the parts are designed to break after 3 years (they hope) to make 25% extra) – if the incentive here is maximum profit – the car companies did everything right – even if they in reality created a complete catastrophe for everyone

#money #alternative #systems #altcoopsys #alternatives #OsOfSociety #OperatingSystemsOfSociety #SystemPhilosophy #dinero #dollar #euro #yen #rubel #sustainability #resilience #complementary #complementarycurrency #cooperation #monetaryreform #financialreform #financialsystemreform #financialcrisis #mortagecrisis #debtcrisis #occupywallsreet #finance #moneysystem #financialsystem #economics #ecologicaleconomics #economy #capitalism #kapitalismus #system #car #learning #mankind #social #learn #incentives #profits #psychology #motivation

Originally posted at: https://altcoopsys.org/2022/07/31/social-learning-vs-systematic-stupidity/