

Found 18 new servers and 27 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,221 servers checked. 13,970,801 Total Users with 1,614,580 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

leselog.de a #bookwyrm server from Germany
miniature-palm-tree-ggq4v6647pvh9xqr-3000.app.github.dev a #misskey server from United States
nextcloud.gadgeteer.co.za a #gadgereerza nextcloud server from Private
e-ongle.ata-aq.me a #pleroma server from Private
lemmy.duck.cafe a #lemmy server from Finland
mk.psec.dev a #misskey server from Private
don.haru3.me a #mastodon server from Japan
femto.pub a #takahe server from Germany
silmaril.blue a #mastodon server from Japan
an.uura.site a #pleroma server from Japan
mastodon.thats.art a #mastodon server from United States
17th.me a #mastodon server from United States
temporary.baka.social a #mastodon server from United States
mastodon.iking.ca a #mastodon server from Canada
9yo.punipoka.pink a #misskey server from Private
hub.key4.digital a #mastodon server from France
firefish.rockcutter.jp a #firefish server from Private
fedi.slimegirl.social a #pleroma server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 16 new servers and 21 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,222 servers checked. 13,970,801 Total Users with 1,614,580 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

nextcloud.gadgeteer.co.za a #gadgereerza nextcloud server from Private
e-ongle.ata-aq.me a #pleroma server from Private
mk.psec.dev a #misskey server from Private
lemmy.duck.cafe a #lemmy server from Finland
silmaril.blue a #mastodon server from Japan
don.haru3.me a #mastodon server from Japan
femto.pub a #takahe server from Germany
an.uura.site a #pleroma server from Japan
mastodon.thats.art a #mastodon server from United States
temporary.baka.social a #mastodon server from United States
17th.me a #mastodon server from United States
mastodon.iking.ca a #mastodon server from Canada
9yo.punipoka.pink a #misskey server from Private
hub.key4.digital a #mastodon server from France
firefish.rockcutter.jp a #firefish server from Private
fedi.slimegirl.social a #pleroma server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 5 new servers and 17 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,223 servers checked. 13,970,801 Total Users with 1,614,580 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

mastodon.iking.ca a #mastodon server from Canada
9yo.punipoka.pink a #misskey server from Private
hub.key4.digital a #mastodon server from France
firefish.rockcutter.jp a #firefish server from Private
fedi.slimegirl.social a #pleroma server from United Kingdom

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 24 new servers and 30 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,277 servers checked. 13,966,963 Total Users with 1,621,911 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

social.fossee.net a #akkoma server from The Netherlands
aoharusky.aoharunext.com a #misskey server from Japan
transfem.cloud a #sharkey server from Finland
write.newan.net a #plume server from France
msky.dswhi.com a #misskey server from Japan
peertube.536.fr a #peertube server from France
vid.scaringtheho.es a #peertube server from Spain
virus.org a #mastodon server from Private
ладога.su a #mastodon server from Russia
bowbow148park.com a #misskey server from Japan
social.ekseiz.com a #mastodon server from Germany
dusky.photos a #pixelfed server from Germany
pro104b.online a #mastodon server from Russia
social.varnham.net a #mastodon server from France
weare.dcnh.tv a #peertube server from Singapore
stream.foggymtndrifter.com a #owncast server from Private
blog.vertinext.com a #firefish server from United States
pixelfed.coffeeandtrains.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
260817.xyz a #misskey server from Private
netzverpetzer.de a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.moerks.dk a #mastodon server from Denmark
mastodon.stickfishery.com a #mastodon server from United States
estuary.tide.tk a #lotide server from United States
chaosandcreativity.com a #writefreely server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 24 new servers and 26 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,281 servers checked. 13,966,963 Total Users with 1,621,911 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

social.fossee.net a #akkoma server from The Netherlands
aoharusky.aoharunext.com a #misskey server from Japan
transfem.cloud a #sharkey server from Finland
msky.dswhi.com a #misskey server from Japan
write.newan.net a #plume server from France
peertube.536.fr a #peertube server from France
vid.scaringtheho.es a #peertube server from Spain
virus.org a #mastodon server from Private
ладога.su a #mastodon server from Russia
bowbow148park.com a #misskey server from Japan
social.ekseiz.com a #mastodon server from Germany
dusky.photos a #pixelfed server from Germany
social.varnham.net a #mastodon server from France
pro104b.online a #mastodon server from Russia
weare.dcnh.tv a #peertube server from Singapore
stream.foggymtndrifter.com a #owncast server from Private
pixelfed.coffeeandtrains.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
blog.vertinext.com a #firefish server from United States
260817.xyz a #misskey server from Private
netzverpetzer.de a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.moerks.dk a #mastodon server from Denmark
mastodon.stickfishery.com a #mastodon server from United States
estuary.tide.tk a #lotide server from United States
chaosandcreativity.com a #writefreely server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 24 new servers and 23 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,287 servers checked. 13,966,963 Total Users with 1,621,911 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

social.fossee.net a #akkoma server from The Netherlands
aoharusky.aoharunext.com a #misskey server from Japan
transfem.cloud a #sharkey server from Finland
msky.dswhi.com a #misskey server from Japan
write.newan.net a #plume server from France
peertube.536.fr a #peertube server from France
vid.scaringtheho.es a #peertube server from Spain
virus.org a #mastodon server from Private
ладога.su a #mastodon server from Russia
bowbow148park.com a #misskey server from Japan
social.ekseiz.com a #mastodon server from Germany
dusky.photos a #pixelfed server from Germany
pro104b.online a #mastodon server from Russia
social.varnham.net a #mastodon server from France
weare.dcnh.tv a #peertube server from Singapore
stream.foggymtndrifter.com a #owncast server from Private
pixelfed.coffeeandtrains.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
blog.vertinext.com a #firefish server from United States
netzverpetzer.de a #mastodon server from Portugal
260817.xyz a #misskey server from Private
social.moerks.dk a #mastodon server from Denmark
mastodon.stickfishery.com a #mastodon server from United States
estuary.tide.tk a #lotide server from United States
chaosandcreativity.com a #writefreely server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 18 new servers and 17 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,289 servers checked. 13,966,963 Total Users with 1,621,911 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

peertube.536.fr a #peertube server from France
virus.org a #mastodon server from Private
ладога.su a #mastodon server from Russia
bowbow148park.com a #misskey server from Japan
dusky.photos a #pixelfed server from Germany
social.ekseiz.com a #mastodon server from Germany
pro104b.online a #mastodon server from Russia
social.varnham.net a #mastodon server from France
weare.dcnh.tv a #peertube server from Singapore
stream.foggymtndrifter.com a #owncast server from Private
pixelfed.coffeeandtrains.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
blog.vertinext.com a #firefish server from United States
260817.xyz a #misskey server from Private
netzverpetzer.de a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.moerks.dk a #mastodon server from Denmark
mastodon.stickfishery.com a #mastodon server from United States
estuary.tide.tk a #lotide server from United States
chaosandcreativity.com a #writefreely server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 15 new servers and 15 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,286 servers checked. 13,966,963 Total Users with 1,621,911 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

bowbow148park.com a #misskey server from
dusky.photos a #pixelfed server from Germany
social.ekseiz.com a #mastodon server from Germany
pro104b.online a #mastodon server from Russia
social.varnham.net a #mastodon server from France
weare.dcnh.tv a #peertube server from Singapore
stream.foggymtndrifter.com a #owncast server from Private
blog.vertinext.com a #firefish server from United States
pixelfed.coffeeandtrains.de a #pixelfed server from Germany
260817.xyz a #misskey server from Private
netzverpetzer.de a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.moerks.dk a #mastodon server from Denmark
mastodon.stickfishery.com a #mastodon server from United States
estuary.tide.tk a #lotide server from United States
chaosandcreativity.com a #writefreely server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 25 new servers and 26 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,309 servers checked. 13,963,494 Total Users with 1,633,807 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

1girl.vip a #pleroma server from The Netherlands
social.mookiesplace.com a #gotosocial server from Private
social.bimtv.dev a #pleroma server from Sweden
caffeinated.nb-tort.com a #mastodon server from Singapore
social.myocci.social a #firefish server from United States
wedomad.science a #gotosocial server from Private
www.vnchich.net a #peertube server from Germany
vicks.social a #pixelfed server from Private
tweet.reud.net a #mastodon server from Private
akkoma.haru3.me a #akkoma server from Japan
1d6.lol a #pleroma server from Germany
dergz.com a #akkoma server from Czechia
tosenberg.de a #mastodon server from Germany
beta.unsocial.dev a #unsocial server from Private
lorazepam.lol a #mastodon server from Private
trigaux.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
staging.crunchygrandmas.com a #sharkey server from United States
social.naked.cash a #mastodon server from United States
cinephile-social.me a #mastodon server from Private
stream.greennuclear.online a #owncast server from The Netherlands
implausiblyaverage.online a #mastodon server from Portugal
ac.akirin.xyz a #misskey server from Private
amie.zone a #sharkey server from United States
mastodon.kk7.uk a #mastodon server from Private
m.phantomthieves.net a #mastodon server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 25 new servers and 21 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,314 servers checked. 13,963,494 Total Users with 1,633,807 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

1girl.vip a #pleroma server from The Netherlands
social.mookiesplace.com a #gotosocial server from Private
social.bimtv.dev a #pleroma server from Sweden
caffeinated.nb-tort.com a #mastodon server from Singapore
social.myocci.social a #firefish server from United States
www.vnchich.net a #peertube server from Germany
wedomad.science a #gotosocial server from Private
vicks.social a #pixelfed server from Private
tweet.reud.net a #mastodon server from Private
akkoma.haru3.me a #akkoma server from Japan
1d6.lol a #pleroma server from Germany
dergz.com a #akkoma server from Czechia
beta.unsocial.dev a #unsocial server from Private
tosenberg.de a #mastodon server from Germany
lorazepam.lol a #mastodon server from Private
staging.crunchygrandmas.com a #sharkey server from United States
trigaux.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.naked.cash a #mastodon server from United States
stream.greennuclear.online a #owncast server from The Netherlands
cinephile-social.me a #mastodon server from Private
implausiblyaverage.online a #mastodon server from Portugal
ac.akirin.xyz a #misskey server from Private
amie.zone a #sharkey server from United States
mastodon.kk7.uk a #mastodon server from Private
m.phantomthieves.net a #mastodon server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 23 new servers and 18 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,320 servers checked. 13,963,494 Total Users with 1,633,807 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

social.bimtv.dev a #pleroma server from Sweden
caffeinated.nb-tort.com a #mastodon server from Singapore
wedomad.science a #gotosocial server from Private
social.myocci.social a #firefish server from United States
www.vnchich.net a #peertube server from Germany
vicks.social a #pixelfed server from Private
tweet.reud.net a #mastodon server from Private
akkoma.haru3.me a #akkoma server from Japan
1d6.lol a #pleroma server from Germany
dergz.com a #akkoma server from Czechia
beta.unsocial.dev a #unsocial server from Private
tosenberg.de a #mastodon server from Germany
lorazepam.lol a #mastodon server from Private
staging.crunchygrandmas.com a #sharkey server from United States
trigaux.me a #mastodon server from Portugal
social.naked.cash a #mastodon server from United States
cinephile-social.me a #mastodon server from Private
stream.greennuclear.online a #owncast server from The Netherlands
implausiblyaverage.online a #mastodon server from Portugal
ac.akirin.xyz a #misskey server from Private
amie.zone a #sharkey server from United States
mastodon.kk7.uk a #mastodon server from Private
m.phantomthieves.net a #mastodon server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 21 new servers and 38 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,426 servers checked. 13,953,211 Total Users with 1,644,254 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

msky.ayatovr.jp a #misskey server from Japan
recusant.app a #pleroma server from United States
social.forgottentea.xyz a #gotosocial server from United States
micro.fyrfli.social a #microblogpub server from United States
meddiss.zapto.org a #firefish server from Italy
social.fischbyte.de a #mastodon server from Germany
activitypods.ngrok.app a #activitypods server from United States
activitypub-prototype.azurewebsites.net a #activitypub-prototype server from Japan
social.bybliotheca.net a #sharkey server from Germany
mastodon.castelrosso.net a #mastodon server from Italy
live.davbot.media a #owncast server from Finland
bilin.xyz a #lemmy server from United States
north.tube a #peertube server from Canada
social.alorenzi.eu a #gotosocial server from Italy
cutiecluster.cc a #pleroma server from Private
mi.maka.nagoya a #misskey server from Private
hypha.coop a #sutty-distributed-press server from Canada
social.nestbox.club a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
lewdpost.com a #akkoma server from Finland
m.freq.io a #mastodon server from Finland
akkoma.bat-pike.ts.net a #akkoma server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 19 new servers and 33 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,427 servers checked. 13,953,211 Total Users with 1,644,254 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

micro.fyrfli.social a #microblogpub server from United States
social.forgottentea.xyz a #gotosocial server from United States
social.fischbyte.de a #mastodon server from Germany
meddiss.zapto.org a #firefish server from Italy
activitypods.ngrok.app a #activitypods server from United States
activitypub-prototype.azurewebsites.net a #activitypub-prototype server from Japan
social.bybliotheca.net a #sharkey server from Germany
live.davbot.media a #owncast server from Finland
mastodon.castelrosso.net a #mastodon server from Italy
north.tube a #peertube server from Canada
bilin.xyz a #lemmy server from United States
social.alorenzi.eu a #gotosocial server from Italy
cutiecluster.cc a #pleroma server from Private
mi.maka.nagoya a #misskey server from Private
hypha.coop a #sutty-distributed-press server from Canada
social.nestbox.club a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
akkoma.bat-pike.ts.net a #akkoma server from United States
m.freq.io a #mastodon server from Finland
lewdpost.com a #akkoma server from Finland

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 19 new servers and 27 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,432 servers checked. 13,953,211 Total Users with 1,644,254 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

micro.fyrfli.social a #microblogpub server from United States
social.forgottentea.xyz a #gotosocial server from United States
social.fischbyte.de a #mastodon server from Germany
meddiss.zapto.org a #firefish server from Italy
activitypods.ngrok.app a #activitypods server from United States
activitypub-prototype.azurewebsites.net a #activitypub-prototype server from Japan
social.bybliotheca.net a #sharkey server from Germany
mastodon.castelrosso.net a #mastodon server from Italy
live.davbot.media a #owncast server from Finland
bilin.xyz a #lemmy server from United States
social.alorenzi.eu a #gotosocial server from Italy
north.tube a #peertube server from Canada
cutiecluster.cc a #pleroma server from Private
mi.maka.nagoya a #misskey server from Private
hypha.coop a #sutty-distributed-press server from Canada
lewdpost.com a #akkoma server from Finland
m.freq.io a #mastodon server from Finland
social.nestbox.club a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
akkoma.bat-pike.ts.net a #akkoma server from United States

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 17 new servers and 25 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,435 servers checked. 13,953,211 Total Users with 1,644,254 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

meddiss.zapto.org a #firefish server from Italy
social.fischbyte.de a #mastodon server from Germany
activitypods.ngrok.app a #activitypods server from United States
activitypub-prototype.azurewebsites.net a #activitypub-prototype server from Japan
mastodon.castelrosso.net a #mastodon server from Italy
social.bybliotheca.net a #sharkey server from Germany
live.davbot.media a #owncast server from Finland
bilin.xyz a #lemmy server from United States
social.alorenzi.eu a #gotosocial server from Italy
north.tube a #peertube server from Canada
cutiecluster.cc a #pleroma server from Private
mi.maka.nagoya a #misskey server from Private
hypha.coop a #sutty-distributed-press server from Canada
m.freq.io a #mastodon server from Finland
social.nestbox.club a #mastodon server from United Kingdom
akkoma.bat-pike.ts.net a #akkoma server from United States
lewdpost.com a #akkoma server from Finland

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 24 new servers and 26 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,759 servers checked. 13,883,489 Total Users with 1,660,784 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

awawi.nexus a #sharkey server from Germany
mastodon.cosmoscraft.network a #mastodon server from Private
between.xoxo.poo.li a #misskey server from Private
social.jerrynya.fun a #pleroma server from China
social.artemislena.eu a #gotosocial server from Germany
social.mottokrosh.com a #mastodon server from France
tezarland.ru a #peertube server from Russia
sb.yohjo.zip a #pleroma server from Private
fff.roelof.info a #hometown server from The Netherlands
pleroma.kjr-mooot.de a #pleroma server from Austria
mastodon.haolitsys.de a #mastodon server from Germany
social.joespace.ca a #friendica server from Canada
social.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada
biden.lgbt a #akkoma server from Canada
sk.not-existing.com a #sharkey server from Türkiye
firefish.judy.io a #firefish server from United States
watch.vcr.party a #owncast server from United States
fedi.furfag.biz a #pleroma server from United States
fediverse.sloped.me a #mastodon server from United States
msc.pics a #pleroma server from United States
jong.moe a #firefish server from Finland
fedi.winscloud.net a #gotosocial server from Private
shellsharks.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
lemmy.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 22 new servers and 21 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,761 servers checked. 13,883,489 Total Users with 1,660,784 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

between.xoxo.poo.li a #misskey server from Private
social.jerrynya.fun a #pleroma server from China
social.artemislena.eu a #gotosocial server from Germany
social.mottokrosh.com a #mastodon server from France
tezarland.ru a #peertube server from Russia
sb.yohjo.zip a #pleroma server from Private
pleroma.kjr-mooot.de a #pleroma server from Austria
mastodon.haolitsys.de a #mastodon server from Germany
fff.roelof.info a #hometown server from The Netherlands
social.joespace.ca a #friendica server from Canada
sk.not-existing.com a #sharkey server from Türkiye
watch.vcr.party a #owncast server from United States
fedi.furfag.biz a #pleroma server from United States
social.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada
biden.lgbt a #akkoma server from Canada
firefish.judy.io a #firefish server from United States
fediverse.sloped.me a #mastodon server from United States
msc.pics a #pleroma server from United States
jong.moe a #firefish server from Finland
shellsharks.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
fedi.winscloud.net a #gotosocial server from Private
lemmy.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 22 new servers and 20 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,764 servers checked. 13,883,489 Total Users with 1,660,784 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

between.xoxo.poo.li a #misskey server from Private
social.jerrynya.fun a #pleroma server from China
social.artemislena.eu a #gotosocial server from Germany
social.mottokrosh.com a #mastodon server from France
tezarland.ru a #peertube server from Russia
sb.yohjo.zip a #pleroma server from Private
mastodon.haolitsys.de a #mastodon server from Germany
pleroma.kjr-mooot.de a #pleroma server from Austria
fff.roelof.info a #hometown server from The Netherlands
firefish.judy.io a #firefish server from United States
fedi.furfag.biz a #pleroma server from United States
watch.vcr.party a #owncast server from United States
sk.not-existing.com a #sharkey server from Türkiye
biden.lgbt a #akkoma server from Canada
social.joespace.ca a #friendica server from Canada
social.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada
msc.pics a #pleroma server from United States
fediverse.sloped.me a #mastodon server from United States
jong.moe a #firefish server from Finland
fedi.winscloud.net a #gotosocial server from Private
shellsharks.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
lemmy.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer


Found 19 new servers and 16 servers died off since 3 hours ago.

23,766 servers checked. 13,883,489 Total Users with 1,660,784 Active Users today. Check out the stats!

New #fediverse servers found:

social.mottokrosh.com a #mastodon server from France
tezarland.ru a #peertube server from Russia
sb.yohjo.zip a #pleroma server from Private
fff.roelof.info a #hometown server from The Netherlands
pleroma.kjr-mooot.de a #pleroma server from Austria
mastodon.haolitsys.de a #mastodon server from Germany
sk.not-existing.com a #sharkey server from Türkiye
social.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada
firefish.judy.io a #firefish server from United States
biden.lgbt a #akkoma server from Canada
watch.vcr.party a #owncast server from United States
fedi.furfag.biz a #pleroma server from United States
social.joespace.ca a #friendica server from Canada
msc.pics a #pleroma server from United States
fediverse.sloped.me a #mastodon server from United States
jong.moe a #firefish server from Finland
fedi.winscloud.net a #gotosocial server from Private
shellsharks.social a #mastodon server from Portugal
lemmy.raincloud.dev a #lemmy server from Canada

Help others find a home, send them to fediverse.observer