

Apple iOS 14.8 und iPadOS 14.8 veröffentlicht

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Apple muss noch einmal nacharbeiten und vor dem großen Update auf [iOS
]{.bm_keywordlink} und iPadOS
15 gibt’s fĂŒr Nutzer qualifizierter GerĂ€te noch einmal iOS 14.8 und fĂŒr
die iPads die Version 14.8 von iPadOS. Wie immer kann es allerdings
etwas dauern, bis das Update unter Einstellungen > Allgemein >
Softwareupdate bei euch auftaucht. Ebenfalls dauert es immer ein
bisschen, bis die genauen Informationen zu sicherheitsrelevanten
Informationen in diesem Update offengelegt werden. Mehr als
Sicherheitsupdates nennt Apple nicht. Die genauen Informationen
aktualisieren wir hier im Beitrag so bald wie möglich.

# Vorschau Produkt Preis

1 Echo Show 8 (1. Gen, 2019) – Smart Display mit Alexa – Durch Alexa in Verbindung bleiben –...{.aawp-product__img} Echo Show 8 (1. Gen, 2019) – Smart Display mit Alexa – Durch Alexa in Verbindung bleiben –...{.aawp-product_title} [64,99 EUR]{.aawp-productprice}{.aawp-check-prime} Bei Amazon ansehen{.aawp-button .aawp-button--buy .aawp-button .aawp-button--amazon .aawp-button--icon .aawp-button--icon-black}
2 [Der neue Echo Show 8 (2. Generation, 2021) | HD-Smart Display mit Alexa und 13-MP-Kamera | Anthrazit{.aawp-product
img}](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B084TNNGPG?tag=cascblog00-21&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=echo%20show "Der neue Echo Show 8 (2. Generation, 2021) | HD-Smart Display mit Alexa und 13-MP-Kamera | Anthrazit") Der neue Echo Show 8 (2. Generation, 2021) | HD-Smart Display mit Alexa und 13-MP-Kamera | Anthrazit{.aawp-producttitle} [129,99 EUR]{.aawp-productprice}{.aawp-check-prime} Bei Amazon ansehen{.aawp-button .aawp-button--buy .aawp-button .aawp-button--amazon .aawp-button--icon .aawp-button--icon-black}
3 [Der neue Echo Show 5 (2. Generation, 2021) | Smart Display mit Alexa und 2-MP-Kamera | Anthrazit{.aawp-product
img}](https://www.amazon.de/dp/B08KH2MTSS?tag=cascblog00-21&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1&keywords=echo%20show "Der neue Echo Show 5 (2. Generation, 2021) | Smart Display mit Alexa und 2-MP-Kamera | Anthrazit") Der neue Echo Show 5 (2. Generation, 2021) | Smart Display mit Alexa und 2-MP-Kamera | Anthrazit{.aawp-producttitle} [54,99 EUR]{.aawp-product_price}{.aawp-check-prime} Bei Amazon ansehen{.aawp-button .aawp-button--buy .aawp-button .aawp-button--amazon .aawp-button--icon .aawp-button--icon-black}

Update: Dies sind die geschlossenen SicherheitslĂŒcken:


Available for: iPhone 6s and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 2
and later, iPad 5th generation and later, iPad mini 4 and later, and
iPod touch (7th generation)

Impact: Processing a maliciously crafted PDF may lead to arbitrary code
execution. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been
actively exploited.

Description: An integer overflow was addressed with improved input

CVE-2021-30860: The Citizen Lab


Available for: iPhone 6s and later, iPad Pro (all models), iPad Air 2
and later, iPad 5th generation and later, iPad mini 4 and later, and
iPod touch (7th generation)

Impact: Processing maliciously crafted web content may lead to arbitrary
code execution. Apple is aware of a report that this issue may have been
actively exploited.

Description: A use after free issue was addressed with improved memory

CVE-2021-30858: an anonymous researcher

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I think that Diaspora not having a native mobile app hurts it a lot in this day and age. I kind of thought before that this was due to its decentralized nature and not having corporate backing. However I hear that Mastodon does? That is odd to me. If it does then Diaspora definitely should. Some people see that rising in popularity perhaps by comparison but given things like a native app, is it any surprise?

#diaspora #mastodon #mobile #apps #webapps #android #ios #lineageos #native #apis #thoughts #randomthoughts #social #socialnetworks #adoption


What's New in Apple iOS 15 for Photographers | PetaPixel

I downloaded a beta version of iOS 15, and have been playing with it, so I’d love to point some of the cool new features that I think we photographers (anyone who takes a photo on the iPhone!) will enjoy.

He predicts that iOS 15 will drop on Wednesday the 15th. I predict that it will be on Tuesday the 14th and that there will be a public announcement of the iPhone 13 on that date, amongst other things.

#photography #smartphone #MobilePhotography #Apple #iOS



Russia's request for Delta Chat user data ... declined.

May 01, 2020 by holger

On April 27th we received a letter from Roskomnadzor, the russian supervisor of communications and information technology. They requested us to provide access to Delta Chat user data and register with their state-run provider registry. We declined for the simple reason that Delta Chat developers have no access to user data whatsoever.

Delta Chat is a decentralized messenger and doesn’t have their own servers. You choose the e-mail provider which you trust yourself and we don’t know about your choices. Besides, even e-mail providers won’t see Delta Chat message contents because messages are end-to-end encrypted via Autocrypt.

Big cheers to the e-mail ecosystem which has a standardized separation of apps (MUAs) from message transport (MTAs), and a planetary-scale and diversely operated system at that 
 even if a little messy and slow-moving ;)

Formal answer to Russian state request for Delta Chat user data:

#deltachat #delta #chat #wa #whatsapp #p2p #e2e #mail #im #floss #gpl #freesoftware #copyleft #android #lineageos #gnu #linux #mobile #desktop #ios #macos #iphone #telegram #delta-chat


The All-Seeing "i": Apple Just Declared War on Your Privacy

"We are bearing witness to the construction of an all-seeing-i—an Eye of Improvidence—under whose aegis every iPhone will search itself for whatever Apple wants, or for whatever Apple is directed to want. They are inventing a world in which every product you purchase owes its highest loyalty to someone other than its owner. To put it bluntly, this is not an innovation but a tragedy, a disaster-in-the-making."

#apple #iphone #ios #privacy #surveillance #spyware #spying #snowden #EdwardSnowden #totalitarianism #authoritarianism


Un empresario acusa a otro ante la justicia por sufrir de su parte “nothing more than an abusive power grab and a confiscation of the value creation by others”, y los empleados de ambas empresas siguen esperando el remate. «Lawmakers appeared sympathetic.», by Bloomberg.
#amazon #apple #microsoft #spotify #google #alphabet #android #netflix #epic #ios #distros #os #so #tech #patronales #plusvalĂ­a #plusvalor #surplusvalue #value #capitalism


Mastodon now has an official iPhone app

Mastodon is the improvement over Twitter with open source decentralised hosting, with posts federating across the whole Fediverse of social networks

See Mastodon now has an official iPhone app

#technology #mastodon #alternativeto #opensource #ios


There’s no hard timeline for an Android app yet.



iVerify for iOS has just been updated to detect trails of Pegasus Project on your device

I did mention this software about a month back for its ability to strip geolocation data from any photos you share via 3rd party apps on iOS, but their latest update claims to be able to detect trails left by the Pegasus Project software. This is an easier alternative than running lots of command line checks, but the app does requite a once-off purchase cost.

See ‎iVerify. - Secure your Phone!

#technology #privacy #iverify #iOS #PegasusProject


‎iVerify is your personal security toolkit. Use iVerify to manage the security of your iOS device and detect modifications to your smartphone. iVerify makes it easy to manage the security of your accounts and online presence with simple instructional guides.

