

A #drone strike destroyed at least 2 Iranian oil trucks in a convoy headed to #Lebanon on Tuesday.

Only US can ship over priced oil to Lebanon. No one else.

#Politics #Iraq #Syria #Biden


Is he talking shit or it is for real?

Former White House national security adviser John Bolton says "the Iranian opposition" is now being armed with weapons smuggled into the country from the Iraqi Kurdistan region, praising the use of force against Iran's security forces.

#Iran #Politics #Iranprotests #JohnBolton #Iraq #Kurdistan


Mick Wallace : We rightly have a problem with Russia terrorising Ukrainians. Why have we no problem with #US #NATO terrorising people of #Afghanistan #Iraq #Libya ? Or no problem with US + #EU helping #Saudi #UAE terrorise #Yemen ? Why have we no problem with #Israel terrorising #Palestinians ?

They are not "civilized" like Ukrainians./facepalm


#Iran attack on Iranian-Kurdish opposition group in northern #Iraq kills nine people, say officials

The #PKK and #Kumela have used the current unrest to stage armed attack against various positions of border control and IRGC and police in Kurdish regions of Iran.

These attacks will only help IRI to push for more violent crackdowns and to use them as the proof that the ones behind these demonstrations are not ordinary citizens sick and tired of being treated like criminals every day by the police and the "morality police" all over the country.

These attacks will also an escalation from the regime's side to target group's headquarters deep inside Iraqi #Kurdistan.

#Politics #IranProtests #MaksaAmini #IRGC


The #Tigris river is said to have watered the Garden of Eden and helped give birth to civilisation itself. But today it is dying. Human activity and climate change have choked its once mighty flow through #Iraq.

#ClimateChange #ClimateEmergency #GlobalWarming



A reminder of the past: US Black Water PMC’s convoy compilation - Iraq

Just watch this video and then watch it again, these are the guys who are on social media having US and Ukraine flag and complain about Russian atrocities.

This is also a reminder to all those #NATO supporting idiots who think EU has any legitimacy in their "heroic" action in defense of Ukraine.

And remember the Russian soldier who was convicted of war crime for shooting and killing a civilian who was getting too close to their tank and compare that to this whole video.

This was #Iraq every day, everywhere and for years and none of those disgusting hypocrites raised their voice against them nor did anything to prosecute and sanction #US and companies and oligarchs supporting them.

How many of those criminals are now in Ukraine as "volunteers" or "supporters" of UA?

#Iraq #BlackWater #WarCrimre #Hypocrisy #DoubleStandard #Russia #Ukraine


Inside the Iranian missile attack (2021) | Interviews with U.S. soldiers that survived the missile attack (retaliation for the assassination of Soleimani)

The amount of inaccuracy and #propaganda in this report is truly nauseating. #Iran does not have a long range missile able to carry 500kg of explosives.

The opening of it by the crying Army major is the worst North Korean style propaganda I have ever seen. The reporter's use of "duck and cover" and how badly the poor Johnson was feeling during these "horrible" attacks.

This is what preparation of war means in reality.

#Iraq #Biden #Trump #Soleimani #RoardToWar #CBS60Minutes



For 18 months, as ISIS advanced, the US did nothing to stop them

Collusion with terror: For 18 months, until the Russian Air Force entered Syrian skies, the US did absolutely nothing to stop ISIS from taking over swathes of Syria and Iraq

In 2017, #US and allied Kurdish forces bombarded the city of Raqqa, the bastion of #ISIS in #Syria and the de-facto capital of the terror group’s self-proclaimed caliphate.

Concurrent to this, US forces conducted massive air strikes on the Iraqi city of #Mosul, to support Iraqi and Kurdish ground forces against ISIS there too.

But the US-led campaigns in Mosul and #Raqqa falsely suggest that the US and ISIS were implacable enemies. These battles created the perception that the US was committed to fighting #Al-Qaeda and its various splinter groups, in a continuation of the so-called “War on Terror” begun by the Bush administration in the wake of 9/11.

However, a closer look at events in both Iraq and Syria paints a very different picture: The US and its allies, both directly and indirectly, colluded with ISIS to attain specific geopolitical objectives. The terror group that captured the world’s attention in 2014 was in fact a vital and valuable tool for US policy planners.

Evidence of this is rife. In June 2014, when ISIS fighters swept across the Syrian border to first capture Mosul, the largest city of its caliphate, the US military monitored the ISIS convoys crossing from Syria using drones and satellite systems, but took no action to bomb them.

#politics #iraq #hypocrisy #terrorism


#Serbien #Afghanistan #Irak #Somalia #Jemen #Libyen #TĂŒrkei #Mali #Uganda #ISIL #Syrien #Ukraine #Menschen #Familien #Einzelpersonen #...

Es gibt viel zu tun, um Konflikte zu beenden, um all die vielfĂ€ltigen Wunden und Probleme zu heilen. Es ist fast unmöglich, die Probleme aus der Ferne anzugehen. Eine grĂ¶ĂŸere Chance liegt darin, unsere eigenen und lokalen Probleme anzugehen, um Befreiung, Freiheit und ErfĂŒllung zu erreichen.

Doch unsere Tendenzen und die Informationen und Medien lenken das Potenzial zur Befreiung von uns selbst ab.

Es ist an der Zeit, zu meditieren.

#Serbia #Afghanistan #Iraq #Somalia #Yemen #Libya #Turkey #Mali #Uganda #ISIL #Syria #Ukraine #people #families #individuals #...

There is much to be done to end conflicts, to heal all the multiple wounds and problems. It is almost impossible to tackle the distanced problems. A greater opportunity lies in addressing our own and local problems to achieve liberation, freedom and fulfillment.

However, our tendencies and the information and media deflect the potential for liberation from ourselves.

It is time to meditate.

Musik / music


All hell is breaking loose in #Baghdad
The Presidential palace has been stormed. A total curfew has been put in place. Kataib Hezbollah, a high level cleric, withdrew from politics citing too much corruption and compliance with the United States and that set something off. Before doing so he set up an army of 1500 militants. So this could get huge. Who knows who that cleric really is, he could actually be an Israeli sleeper.

Word on the street is that this move is to #expel the #United-states from #Iraq. The US still had a green zone set up there, which this cleric wants to do away with. My guess is that the cleric was a sleeper who could be activated to kick off a war when needed, you know - at the ballot box. That's what this sudden development is all about, BET ON IT.

The US lied and said it did not evacuate the embassy. It is known the US lied because this surfaced, and it shows them evacuating top people with a helicopter.