

The Other Victims of 9/11

source: https://revealnews.org/the-other-victims-of-september-11/

Published on the 20th #anniversary of 9/11, this is a series of reported essays describing how the attacks that day and the “war on terror” that followed changed the lives of people outside the United States. Nearly 1 million people have died in #Afghanistan, #Iraq, #Pakistan, #Syria and #Yemen as a result of these post-9/11 wars, according to the Costs of #War project at Brown University. The wars have displaced 38 million people from these countries, as well as #Libya, the #Philippines and #Somalia.

#terror #terrorism #politics #usa #world #problem #911 #victim #collateralDamage #drone #military #pentagon #dod #defence #peace #news #warONterror



" #Guantanamo is used for #laundering #people to an #off-shore #haven which doesn't follow the #rule-of-law. Similarly #Iraq, #Afghanistan and #Columbia are used to #wash #money out of the #US #tax #base and back."
#JohnPilger: #Arms #companies?
#Assange: Arms companies. Yeah.

#julianassange #freespeech #freepress #truth #journalismisnotacrime #freejulianassange #warcrimes #endless #war #medialies #waryoudontsee #dropthecharges #noextradition #weareallassange
