

Jim Fitzpatrick - ÉRIU

Ériu, Goddess of Ireland

Éire / Éireann/ Éirenn / Éirinn / Erin

Ériu was a Queen and patron goddess of Ireland around the time of the Milesian invasion. She was seen as the Goddess of Irish Sovereignty along with her sisters, Banba and Fódla. Ériu’s name is thought mean ‘earth, soil’ or ‘plentiful’, as well as ‘fat land’ or ‘land of abundance’.

Ériu was the daughter of Fiachna mac Delbaeth and Ernmas of the Tuatha Dé Danann, the mythical race of people who inhabited Ireland before the Celts. Her husband was thought to be Mac Gréine (‘Son of the Sun’), who was the son of Oghma and grandson to the Dagda. Ériu’s son Bres was also known as Bres Mac Elatha, which could indicate her relationship with Elatha, a prince of the Fomorians. Bres later became High King of Ireland after Nuada, but was quickly found unfit to rule and replaced by Lugh. Ériu was also thought to be the lover of the hero Lugh.

#Ériu #Goddess #Ireland #JimFitzpatrick #art... @ramnath@nerdpol.ch @108madhuri@nerdpol.ch @Leyline


Baurnadomeeny, Wedge Tomb, Co. Tipperary. [+]

Location – Just North of Rear Cross, it’s signposted and is a field in from the road.
OS: R 846 601 (map 59)
Longitude: 8° 13' 40.03" W
Latitude: 52° 41' 30.83" N
See map at the bottom of the page.

Description and History – This ranks amongst one of my favourite sites in the country and I can’t understand why this is not a much more visited site and much more looked after. It’s not neglected by any means but could do with a little care and attention. Again connected with Diarmuid and Grainne this tomb appears to have multiple alignments with different chambers aligned with different important sunrises. The tomb is surrounded by a double kerb, 16m and 11m in diameter respectively. The outer kerb is a largest but no stones stand above 1m in height. The tomb is very long, roughly 5m long with a septal stone creating the portico and main chamber. The capstone at the front appears to be carved on the inside to create a small channel. I wonder if this allows the sun to flow into the chamber. There are also some small carvings, of no particular pattern, on some of the inner stones, but I have not been successful in locating these. Some cairn material remains on top. This is a fantastically preserved tomb and really well worth traversing the muddy field to get there.

#Tipperary #Ireland #Stones #tomb #chamber #history @ramnath@nerdpol.ch ,@108madhuri@nerdpol.ch @Leyline


Fair is Fair

Someone near #Ireland is gravely concerned because the #Russians may do #missile tests nearby.

Whatever they are up to. this can’t be good, and it is right in my backyard.

Hmmm... That might be just how the Russians along the #Ukraine border feel when NATO troops are pouring into Ukraine, the main ex-Soviet Republic.

Especially when in 1990 George Bush the elder promised #Russia that #NATO "would not expand one inch" towards Russia.

And, since that statement:

note: that last big gray one on the right is Ukraine.


So, just in from France. See link below. Rich elderly man with lots of life insurance (millions) for his family's benefit dies from covid jab (not disputed by the doctors, nor his life insurers). Insurance company refused to pay out because the taking of experimental drugs, treatments, etc., is excluded from the policy. The family take the insurance company to court, but lose. The judge states, "the experimental vaccine side effects are publicised and the deceased could not claim not to have known about them when he voluntarily took the jab. There is no law or mandate in France which forced him to be jabbed. Therefore, his death is essentially suicide". Suicide is also excluded from his policy. If anyone ever challenges you on whether these jabs are experimental or not, and that neither the pharma companies, nor govts, nor anyone else but YOU are responsible for accepting them and if you die, legally you have committed suicide. No insurance, no payouts, no refunds. You are on your own!


#experimemtal #vaccine #ireland #france #insurance
#mandate #vaccinedamage #choice #drugs #


Mick Wallace Intervention in Plenary


The #EU says it #cares about #protecting #journalists, #press #freedom and #human-rights - It remains a #lie until they #fight for the freedom of #JulianAssange who is being #persecuted for being a #journalist who #exposed the #truth about #US and #allies #war #crimes...

#mickwallace #wallace #mep #ireland #south #intervention #plenary #freeassangeNow #wikileaks #truthteller #noextradition #dropthecharges #freespeech #freepress #freeassange #msm #media #weareallassange