

"Proud Boy Porn"


Fox and Tucker’s False Flag Fear Mongering Over 1/6

Sedition, disinformation, and disruption from the “mind of Fox”, amplifying the worst of GOP/Q and humanity.
Scary stuff indeed. #TrumpVirus variant supporters like this one are one of the biggest threats to (sane) society.

#Fox #disinformation #lies #media #propaganda #sedition #TrumpvirusVariant #Tucker #MakeAmericaSaneAgain



loads of good tips for you to investigate suitability for you and yours.

#health #nutrition #vitamins #minerals #supplements #neuropeptides #happiness #pleasure #depression #cramps #liverspots #sleep #insomnia #nutrients #nutrientdepletion #nutrientdeficiency #ww3 #waronpeople #genocide #feedingonourunhappiness #happiness #depopulation #feedingoffourmisery #misery #deliberatelystarved #liedto #fat #lies #wecancorrectallthat #wecanmendthis #glyphosate #fulvicminerals #shilajeet #gratitude #forgiveness #consciousness #realization #guthealth #friendlybacteria #candida #ibs #chrones #probiotics #fermentedfoods #cabbage #saukraut #glutathione #nac #rawcarnivore #fecalimplants #mendwards #miraclecures #heavymetaltoxicity #oceanswimming #healing #saltwater #cold #waves #completelycured #cured #grounded #skin #folkcures #bacteria #realize #foodsupply #joyous #joyousmending #mending #mendwards #methylcobalamin #magnesium #iodine #vitaminc #magnesiumascorbate #aminoacids #frequency #harmoncs #vibration #charge #radio #longwave #shortwave #gentle #diathermin #tesla #nikolatesla #teslahealingdevice #bringingitback #bringinghealingback #pain #progressing #regressing #losttechnology #bewarethephramacon #bewaretherentiers #yettorecoverfromww2 #homeopathichospitals #rockerfellamedicine #medicineboughtout #conventionalmedicine #forprofitmedicine #forprofithealthcare #poisoners #manufacturedscarcity #digitalsignals #toxic #healthharmonics #intune #cosmic

and, because of #censorship , download a copy while you can, before it gets deleted.


We all know government officials lie

Ever since Edward Snowden received asylum from Russia in 2013, Obama officials have repeatedly maligned his motives and patriotism by citing his "choice” to take up residence there. It has long been clear that this narrative was a lie... [...] But now we have absolute, definitive proof that Snowden never intended to stay in Russia but was deliberately prevented from leaving by the same Obama officials who exploited the predicament which they created.

#government #officials #lies #Snowden #Russia #Cuba #HongKong #Venezuela #Ecuador #Peru
