nytimes May 28, 2021 9:00pm Lobbyist Closely Tied to N.Y. Assembly Speaker Draws Federal Scrutiny #politicsandgovernment #statelegislatures #corruptioninstitutional #lobbyingandlobbyists #heastiecarle #jenkinspatrickb #newyorkstate #news Lobbyist Closely Tied to N.Y. Assembly Speaker Draws Federal Scrutiny The public corruption unit of the U.S. attorney’s office in Manhattan is examining Patrick Jenkins, a former aide to Carl Heastie and a top state lobbyist.
nytimes May 24, 2021 11:00am The Crumbling of the N.R.A. #firearms #guncontrol #attorneysgeneral #ethicsandofficialmisconduct #bankruptcies #decisionsandverdicts #lobbyingandlobbyists #nationalrifleassn #lapierrewayne #hakimdanny #newyorkstate #news The Crumbling of the N.R.A. Could an investigation into financial misconduct be the undoing of America’s most powerful gun rights group?