

What Will Happen to My Music Library When Spotify Dies?

If your entire collection is on a streaming service, good luck accessing it in 10 or 20 years.

“You’re screwed,” said Brewster Kahle, the founder of the Internet Archive, after I asked him if I could count on having my music library decades from now.

The reason I’m screwed is that Spotify listeners’ ability to access their collection in the far-out future will be contingent on the company maintaining its software, renewing its agreements with rights holders, and, well, not going out of business when something else inevitably supplants the current paradigm of music listening.

Kahle sees parallel preservation problems with other forms of digital media that exist on corporate platforms, such as ebooks and streaming-only movies.

#spotify #cloud #music #digital #preservation


« Pour un Carnet libre et sauvage », un week-end de mobilisation festive sur l’ex-zad le 5 et 6 juin

Malgré l’expulsion de la zad du Carnet, la lutte pour protéger l’estuaire de la Loire continue. Un week-end de mobilisation aura lieu les 5 et 6 juin pour préserver cet îlot de biodiversité. Voici l’appel du collectif local, Stop Carnet. https://www.bastamag.net/Estuaire-de-la-loire-ZAD-du-Carnet-week-end-de-mobilisation-festive

#ZadDuCarnet #StopCarnet #Mobilisation #Loire #Preservation #Nature #Biodiversité #EspacesNaturels #EstuaireDeLaLoire
