

L'estat de les forces antisistemes - Part 1 de 3

El concepte de ser antisistema és bastant problemàtic. En primer lloc, aquesta oposició també vol dir ser anticivilitzador? Quins aspectes inclou o exclou? Com veu la relació del sistema amb la modernitat? És possible construir un nou sistema a partir del sistema existent sense oposar-se a la modernitat del sistema? Com veu la modernitat aquesta oposició? Heu pogut identificar el seu doble caràcter? Enteneu la modernitat alternativa?

Part 2: El llegat del socialisme reial (26/10)
Part 3 – Reavaluació de l'anarquisme (28/10)

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via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com

#RêberAPO #Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan


Gent que va conèixer Rêber Apo – Anja: Mentre Abdullah Öcalan estigui entre reixes, jo tampoc em sento lliure

No només els kurds van tenir l'oportunitat de visitar el president Abdullah Öcalan. Com Rêber Apo presta especial atenció a l'internacionalisme mundial i en aquest context va fundar el PKK des del principi amb hevals internacionalistes com Kemal Pir i Hakî Karer.

En aquest marc, l'internacionalista alemanya també va trobar el seu camí al Kurdistan, al president Abdullah Ocalan, que actualment vivia a Alep, i a les muntanyes lliures del Kurdistan on va passar dos anys amb la guerrilla. La nostra agència de notícies va parlar amb Anja de les seves experiències amb Rêber Apo, que deixen clar que Rêber Apo no només és el president dels pobles amants de la llibertat del Kurdistan, sinó que el seu paradigma està destinat a tot el món.




via https://www.nuceciwan115.xyz

#RêberApo #Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan #feminisme #jineolojî


PKK: 'Els joves i les dones joves kurdes haurien de ser Sara i Ruken a l'esquena del feixisme AKP-MHP'

“Com és sabut, l'atac de conspiració internacional dirigit a la destrucció del líder Apo va ser planificat i dut a terme per les forces capitalistes de la modernitat liderades pels EUA, Anglaterra i Israel. Van cometre un gran crim contra la humanitat. Després de tot, el punt on van portar la humanitat és evident. El resultat de la Tercera Guerra Mundial, que volien portar a l'èxit amb una conspiració internacional, va ser convertir el món en un bany de sang i mantenir-lo viu en l'equilibri del terror nuclear, com passa avui a Ucraïna. Convidem a aquestes forces, en el 24è aniversari de la conspiració, a avaluar correctament els resultats catastròfics que han descobert, a corregir els seus errors i a reparar els crims que han comès', va dir.




Via https://t.me/nuce_ciwan_ENG

#RêberApo #Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan


350 lawyers from 22 countries apply to visit Imrali Prison

Hundreds of lawyers from several countries of the world have applied to the Turkish Ministry of Justice to visit Kurdish leader Öcalan and other prisoners in İmralı. The lawyers announced their request to the public in a press statement in Brussels, Belgium.

Lawyers from 22 countries defined the current situation in the Imrali Prison as “a special and discriminatory form of isolation.”




via https://www.nuceciwan114.xyz

#RêberApo #Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan


Freedom for Abdullah Öcalan Campaign at the ICTU Global Solidarity Summer School

A workshop was held as part of the "Freedom for Chairman Abdullah Öcalan" campaign to further highlight the seriousness of the human rights crisis in Turkey and in particular the situation of Rêber Apo. The spokesman for the International Initiative emphasized during the workshop that Öcalan's freedom is linked to the freedom of "every one of you" as well as to the freedom of the Kurdish people. In the workshop, the Chairman's paradigm was discussed not only as a solution to the Kurdish problem in the Middle East, but also as a paradigm to be considered in conflicts and problems in the Irish country and around the world.




via https://www.nuceciwan114.xyz

#RêberApo #Kursdistan #FreeÖcalan


Rêber APO’s message for the youth

"Dear young people. You, dear youth who have given the most fêdakar (selfless), bravest and greatest martyrs of the People of Kurdistan!

First of all, I want to emphasize that our Party, the PKK, is a youth party. As never before in the history of any people, our party is still fighting, heroizing and winning as a youth party. It is our ambition to turn you, our youth, into freedom fighters. They want to shoot and slaughter our people at a young age, before they even start their lives. Without giving us a chance to grow old and mature."




via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com

#Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan #RêberApo


Democratic Nation and the Nation-State – II

In the first part, an attempt was made to give a small insight into the discussions on the democratic nation and nationalism. In particular, the apoist historical perspective was examined and statehood and nationalism were elaborated as preconditions for capitalist modernity. In this part, several ideologies from Protestantism via liberalism to capitalism, will be analysed with a focus on the consequences in terms of the history of mentality.




via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com



The ideology of capitalism – V (Final)

Since the measure of merit in this system is not labor itself, but theft, robbery and deception, they can practice treason and collaborate with the enemy. During the revolution, the middle class is the one that positions itself in society, most against the revolution. They are opportunistic, they do not go into the struggle. They stay in the middle and stand with those who are stronger, who get more results.

They always look for a compromise with the enemy and are fearful and cowardly until the end. They are very radical in easy times, but in difficult times they seem not to be, because they know how to hide and camouflage their truth. The personality of this class is completely liberal and contains all the characteristics of a liberal personality.




Via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com

#RêberApo #capitalisme #neoliberalisme


The ideology of capitalism – IV

"In human nature, society and individual complement each other, they are one: society is free and individual is free within society (...) Liberalism separates individuals from each other, cuts them off from each other, eliminates the connection of the individual with society. Ethics is eliminated and a man is formed who is focused on his instincts and acts according to his personal interests."




via @RojavaAzadi@twitter.com

#Kurdistan #FreeÖcalan #RêberAPO #capitalisme #neoliberalisme