

Complete Maus talk

Censorship is deplorable and "Maus" should remain in schools. But it might be easier to take @ArtSpiegelman7 seriously if he hadn't endorsed censoring and canceling a writer for having the temerity to criticize his work.

#cartoon #ArtSpiegelman #Spiegelman #maus #TedRall #rall #censorship


Post reference: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/education/2022/01/27/tennessee-school-board-removes-holocaust-mausart-spiegelman/9237260002/


Mansoor Adayfi on His Time At Guantanamo Bay

Author of Don’t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guantanamo. He details his time at Guantanamo Bay including the existence of Satanic rooms, sexual abuse and torture, the presence of Israeli personnel at the prison, Islamophobic abuse by interrogators and more. Mansoor also explains how he was able to cling onto hope and daily life in the infamous hellhole.

28:42 min video
Mansoor #Adayfi #gitmo #guantanamo at #goingunderground with Afshin #Rattansi\

#cartoon by Ted #Rall