

#Stalinist #Starmer has announced a #tyrannical #clamp #down on patriots.
enter image description here
murder comes naturally to the evil ones

He’s announced new policies:

  • New Stasi-esque police force to monitor right-wingers.

  • Travel bans for known activists.

  • New facial recognition tech to be rolled out.

  • Warning to social media companies to limit free speech.

  • Called legitimate protests ‘criminal behaviour’.

  • Branded patriots as ‘thugs’.

  • Ignored leftist violence and migrant riots.

This is a clear attack on patriotic groups to silence Labour’s political opposition.

We live in very dangerous times.



the gathering reactions of protesters weren’t always for the anti-government. They have protested for their own self-worth, the insistence to provide for those about us. Why demonstrate the reaction of a citizen in other countries, if not truly under some tyrannical rule.


#proverbial #tyrannical #media