

Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri

Palestinians across the occupied West Bank have staged a general strike to mourn the killing of senior Hamas leader Saleh al Arouri. In his hometown of Arura...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeeraLatest #AlJazeeraLive #AlJazeeraLiveNews #AlJazeeraVideo #GeneralStrike #HamasLeader #PalestineMourning #Palestinians #SalehAlArouri #WestBank
Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri


Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri

Palestinians across the occupied West Bank have staged a general strike to mourn the killing of senior Hamas leader Saleh al Arouri. In his hometown of Arura...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #AlJazeeraLatest #AlJazeeraLive #AlJazeeraLiveNews #AlJazeeraVideo #GeneralStrike #HamasLeader #PalestineMourning #Palestinians #SalehAlArouri #WestBank
Palestinians stage general strike: People gather to mourn Saleh Al Arouri


Salim Nazal, another released hostage was kidnapped by IDF last night.

He is one of many former hostages taken by IDF in nightly raides in the past few nights.

The IDF also use the opportunity to destroy the roads, infrastructure, hospitals, clinics and schools in palestinian villages they attack.

All of these happen without any international reporting or reactions.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #WestBank #Hostages @palestine


The occupying forces arrested the freed prisoner/hostage and journalist Saji Abu Atbah after raiding her house in #Qalqilyeh city.

As I was saying from the day Israel released the hostages in exchange, that it wouldn't take long before they go after them and take them into administrative detention once again with no justification or oversight.

The out of control Israeli government is comitting horrible crimes against the Palestinians in occupied West Bank without anyone even raising their voice against them.

#Hostages #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Israeli settlers protected by #IDF destroyed a #Palestinian farm in north west of #Ramallah in occupied West Bank.

This kind of actions are happening all over occupied territories and Israeli extremists destroying the livelihood of palestinians to starve them and making it easier to occupy their farms to build new illegal settlements.

This is not a war against #Hamas, it is a war against the whole Palestinian population under Israeli occupation.

Video shared on telegram.

#Terrorism #JewishISIS #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Translation of the press release of Palestinian Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs' Commission:

The occupation executes a new assassination operation against the prisoner Abdulrahman Al-Bahsh from Nablus in "Megiddo" Prison.

The Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs' Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners Club confirmed this evening, Monday, that the occupation prisons administration carried out a new assassination operation against the prisoner Abdulrahman Bassem Al-Bahsh (23 years old) from Nablus in "Megiddo" Prison.

He had been detained since May 31, 2022, and was sentenced to 35 months in prison. Thus, martyr Al-Bahsh becomes the first martyr on the first day of the year 2024, and the seventh martyr in the occupation prisons since October 7, 2023.

This is in addition to several detainees from Gaza, whose martyrdom in "Sidai Timan" camp in Bir Sabi' was reported by the occupation media, without clarifying details about their identities or numbers.

The Commission and the Club said in a joint statement that the assassination crime of the prisoner Abdulrahman Al-Bahsh in "Megiddo" Prison, which was one of the prisons that witnessed horrific crimes and systematic torture of prisoners after October 7, and where three prisoners ascended before prisoner Al-Bahsh, confirms that the occupation is continuing without any deterrent or consideration in carrying out more assassination operations against prisoners and detainees in its prisons, in addition to systematic crimes of torture and abuse, aiming to kill them directly.

The Commission and the Club added that all testimonies transmitted by prisoners released over the past period, as well as testimonies conveyed by lawyers, in addition to testimonies obtained by institutions about detainees who ascended after October 7, confirm that torture and severe beating by the repression units and special units of the occupation army were the direct cause of their martyrdom.

The Commission and the Club stated, "In light of the intensity of crimes that the occupation continues to commit against prisoners in prisons, we hold full responsibility, in addition to the criminal occupation, to all the international powers that continue to support the occupation in continuing genocide against our people in Gaza, and its ongoing comprehensive aggression against our people in all their places of presence, as well as against our prisoners in its prisons."

The Commission and the Club noted that October 7 was not the beginning of the occupation's criminality and brutality, but what is happening is an extension of the occupation's approach and policy against the prisoners. They reminded that the occupation, before October 7, sought to pass and apply the death penalty law against prisoners.

Nevertheless, as specialized parties, we will continue to follow up on the investigations that began regarding the detainees who were martyred after October 7, not because we expect any justice from the occupation's courts, but in an attempt to put an end to this level of ongoing criminality.

The Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs' Commission and the Palestinian Prisoners Club called on all international human rights institutions, led by the United Nations and the International Committee of the Red Cross, to reclaim their necessary and required role in the face of these unending crimes, and to press by all means to stop the unprecedented crimes against prisoners in the occupation prisons.

With the ascension of prisoner Abdulrahman Al-Bahsh from Nablus, the number of martyrs of the prisoner movement rises to 244 since 1967.

We remind of the names of the martyrs who ascended after October 7:
Omar Draghmeh from Tubas, Arafat Hamdan from Ramallah, Majed Zaqoul from Gaza, a fourth martyr whose identity is unknown, Abdul Rahman Mar'i from Salfit, Thaer Abu Asab from Qalqilya, and martyr AbdulRahman Al-Bahsh who ascended today.

#Prisoners shortages #Torture #WestBank #IDF #PoliticalPrisoner
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


IDF posted this today: Last night, a prisoner from the #Gaza Strip was arrested. At the end of his investigation, he was transferred to the custody of a soldier who shot him to death. An investigation was opened by the military police into the circumstances of the shooting.

This is the first time they have admitted to murdering Palestinian hostages, Palestinians have accused IDF to have killed large groups of men and women during their raids in northern Gaza as well as leaving injured Palestinians in the buildings that they later demolished.

Palestinian authority in the west bank have released the names of 7 Palestinians who they say were killed by Israeli police under torture and their bodies have not been released to their families.

Accusations of torture and mistreatments are not new, there are 100s of videos showing how IDF and Israeli police physically and mentally torture Palestinians in their custody, plus countless reports and physical evidence of such crimes.

Unfortunately, the western world seems to be deaf and blind when it comes to the crimes comitted by Israelis in occupied West Bank or Gaza.

#Gaza #WarCrime #IDF #Politics #Torture #WestBank
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Video shows how Israeli military stealing the scooter of palestinian kids.

If this was done by Russian forces in Ukraine, it would be all over the media, but the most moral army in the world can get away with it without much publicity.

Video available on telegram.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #WestBank #IDF


Nearly 50 Israeli vehicles storm #Tulkarm in occupied West Bank.

Nour Shams camp is now completely besieged in the city.

Military reinforcements accompanied by two D9 bulldozers from the Tsanaoz checkpoint towards the city.

Video shared on telegram

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #StopIsrael #WestBank #Politics


Verified: The Israeli army reportedly stole 10 million shekels ($2.76 million) from various money exchange shops in the West Bank during their raids last night.

Multiple jewelry shops were also broken into and looted by IDF soldiers.

Israel is truly turning into Nazi Germany in 1930s
Video shared on telegram
#idf #theft #westbank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


###Vide of Israeli soldiers beating a captured Palestinian in the West Bank and force him to sing songs in Hebrew.was shared on Israeli telegram channel

This is how they treat innocent people from occupied West Bank, imagine what they do to kidnapped Palestinians from Gaza.

Video available on telegram

#Torture #WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


Israeli forces target Palestinian paramedics | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Israel’s army is preventing Palestinian medics from transporting the wounded in Jenin, a city in the occupied West Bank which has faced the biggest Israeli r...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Ambulance #Health #Israel #Medic #OccupiedWestBank #Palestine #Paramedic #War #WestBank #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Israeli forces target Palestinian paramedics | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


Palestinian statues torn down by Israeli forces | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Israeli forces have been destroying statues and monuments of Palestinian resistance during raids in the occupied West Bank. Among them is this well-known cul...#AlJazeera #AlJazeeraEnglish #Art #Artists #Culture #Heritage #Horsestatue #Israel #Jenin #Monument #Occupied #OccupiedWestBank #Palestine #Statue #WestBank #alJazeera #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralive #aljazeeravideo #aljazeeraEnglish #aljazeeralatest #aljazeeralive #aljazeeralivenews #latestnews #newsheadlines
Palestinian statues torn down by Israeli forces | Al Jazeera Newsfeed


Israeli soldiers who occupied a housein #Jenin and arrested Palestinians captured the moment while smoking shisha, eating chips and blindfolding the Palestinians' hands and eyes.

I guess this is the way they want to win the hearts and minds of palestinians in occupied #WestBank .
Video shared on telegram

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics