

Palestinians have managed to enter Israel and take over at least on settlement north of Gaza.

The attacks were like a Hollywood action movie, they used drones to destroy a #Merkava #tank, they used motorized #paragliders to send fighters past the Israeli security wall and took several soldiers and civilians hostage.

This was an unexpected move by Al-Qassam, Hamas's armed wing that will be responded with brutal force. But at the same time it's a huge loss for #Netanyahu and his far right lunatics who got in power based on their promises of stability and crushing the will of resistance among Palestinians.

It will also be what Bibi needed to save his failing government by declaring an all out war against Gaza and also the occupied West Bank.

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #Gaza #WestBank #Hamas #War


Israel wiping off Palestine off the map of the earth, one village at a time : 3 small Palestinian villages emptied out this summer. Residents blame Israeli settler attacks

The Palestinian hamlet of al-Qabun in the central occupied West Bank was silent this week — the grazing fields for sheep deserted, the empty schoolhouse locked, the makeshift homes left as steel carcasses.

The last families living there packed up two weeks ago, driven from their homes of nearly three decades by what they said was a year of intensified attacks and harassment by armed Jewish settlers living in unauthorized outposts on neighboring hilltops.

“I feel like I’m a refugee here, and settlers are the owners of our land,” said Ali Abu Kbash, a shepherd who fled al-Qabun with his four children and 60 sheep for the rocky slopes of a neighboring village. He said life had become unbearable as settlers tried to take over his fields with their sheep, tampered with the village’s water supply, and routinely burst into his village to harass residents.

"The displacement of Palestinians amid increasing settler violence is of a magnitude that we have not previously documented,” said Andrea De Domenico, head of the U.N. Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the occupied Palestinian territory. Settler attacks have displaced nearly 500 Palestinians, including 261 children, in the past year and a half, the office estimates.

Many Bedouin communities in Area C have been slated for expulsion because they could not secure permission to build. According to anti-settlement watchdog group Peace Now, over 95% of Palestinian building permits are rejected. The military routinely issues demolition orders for homes of corrugated tin and scrap wood. Last week, authorities leveled a European Union-funded schoolhouse in the Bedouin hamlet of Ein Samiya, which 150 residents recently fled — virtually guaranteeing they would not return soon.

#Israel #Palestine #Occupation #Apartheid #WestBank #Terrorism #UN #GoodOccupation



Video showing an unarmed palestinian getting murdered by sniper fire of the Jewish State during their storming of Jenin last week

Don't you dare to ask for them to be prosecuted for war crime, killing unarmed civilians point blank is a war crime.

But Israel is a vote the laweand unlike Russia or Iran, they can do what ever they desire to people they have occupied their lands of.

This is the world we live in, the world of hypocrisy and double standard.
#WarCrime #Jenin #WestBank
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics


‘Disaster’: Palestinian homes used as Israeli bases in Jenin

Jenin, occupied West Bank – The inside of Bassem Tahayneh’s home in the Jenin refugee camp appears as though a tornado had blown through it.

Israeli soldiers used many homes inside the camp as military bases and caused heavy damage to furniture and belongings.


#Palestinian #civilians #WarCrimes #Israel #army #military #homes #residential #ResidentialBuildings #Refugees #RefugeeCamps #HumanRights #HumanRightsViolations #WestBank


Israeli drone strikes car carrying Palestinian gunmen in northern West Bank

— "An Israeli drone struck a cell of Palestinian gunmen who opened fire at a checkpoint in the northern #WestBank on Wednesday night, the military and Shin Bet security agency said.

The strike marked the first targeted killing in the West Bank since 2006, according to the Israel Defense Forces, and came after attack helicopters were used in a military raid in the northern West Bank city of #Jenin earlier this week, also for the first time in some two decades.

The #IDF and #ShinBet said in a joint statement that the gunmen had opened fire at #Jalameh Checkpoint, north of Jenin. Following the shooting attack on the checkpoint, a drone carried out a strike on their vehicle."

#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics #StateSponsorTerrorism


It's not Ukraine, so don't share it : Israel to Ease Process for Expanding West Bank Settlements

"Every construction on the occupied territories is illegal, rejected, and will be legally pursued everywhere. Israel is playing with fire," the Palestinian presidency said.

During a weekly cabinet meeting on Sunday, the Israeli government authorized pro-settlement Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich to assume main responsibility for settlement planning and construction in the West Bank, and shortened political approval process for settlement planning and construction that had been in place for 25 years.

#Israel #Occupation #Appartheid #Politics #WestBank #IllegalSettlements #Palestine


Times of #Israel: #Netanyahu hands Smotrich full authority to expand existing settlements

— "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government passed a controversial resolution Sunday that gives practically all control over planning approval for construction in #WestBank #settlements to Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, an #ultranationalist advocate of settlements.

The decision approved at Sunday morning’s cabinet meeting, which takes immediate effect, also dramatically expedites and eases the process for expanding existing West Bank settlements and retroactively legalizing some illegal outposts.

The resolution was warmly welcomed by settlement leaders for the expected boost to settlement construction it is likely to create."


#occupation #apartheid #politics #palesrine #jewishTaliban


Israeli Ynet reported that Israel military has created a special uniteto focus entirely on Iran in preparation for an all out war between the two nations

The goal of the group is to simulate and prepare Israeli military for the reaction from Iran in case Israel goes ahead with it's plans to attack Iran. It also includes preparing the military to fight on 4 fronts, Syria, Lebanon and Gaza and Possibly the occupied west bank.

(Link in Hebrew, use translator to read)
#Israel #Military #Iran #News #Lebanon #Syria #Gaza #WestBank #IDF #Politics


Over 21 Palestinian rockets has been launched from Gaza toward various targets in Israel!

The Islamic Jihad has said they retaliate "the murder of Khadar Adnan"!

Strangely enough, many of the rockets were not intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome that in "normal" cases used to have a 90% success rate.

The question is:

  • Has Palestinians managed to make rockets that can't be intercepted?

- Israeli military under direct order of Ben Gvir letting some rockets pass to use them as pretext to start a massive strike on Gaza?

for what ever reason, the situation in Gaza and West Bank is going from bad to worse and both sides seems to be hell bent in destroying each other.

#Israel #Gaza #KhadarAdnan #WestBank #Politics #Palestine #IDF #Netanyahu #enGvir #PeaceNow