

Over 21 Palestinian rockets has been launched from Gaza toward various targets in Israel!

The Islamic Jihad has said they retaliate "the murder of Khadar Adnan"!

Strangely enough, many of the rockets were not intercepted by the Israeli Iron Dome that in "normal" cases used to have a 90% success rate.

The question is:

  • Has Palestinians managed to make rockets that can't be intercepted?

- Israeli military under direct order of Ben Gvir letting some rockets pass to use them as pretext to start a massive strike on Gaza?

for what ever reason, the situation in Gaza and West Bank is going from bad to worse and both sides seems to be hell bent in destroying each other.

#Israel #Gaza #KhadarAdnan #WestBank #Politics #Palestine #IDF #Netanyahu #enGvir #PeaceNow


Palestinian Prisoner Dies in Israeli Detention After 86-day Hunger Strike

‘Khader Adnan has been executed in cold blood,’ the Prisoners Association in Gaza said in response

Sheikh Khader Adnan, a senior member of Islamic Jihad in the northern West Bank, died Tuesday after an 86-day hunger strike.

The Israel Prison Services said that Adnan was found unconscious in his cell at the Nitzan detention facility and that he was declared dead at Assaf Harofeh Hospital.

Adnan, 45, was arrested by Israeli security forces in February and charged with terror-related offences. He had been arrested several times in the past and launched hunger strikes to protest his detention.

Israel said Adnan "refused to undergo medical tests and receive medical treatment."

"Khader Adnan has been executed in cold blood," WAED Prisoners Association in Gaza said in response.

Islamic Jihad called for a general strike in Gaza and the West Bank to protest Adnan's death.

Israel accused Adnan of supporting terror, affiliation with a terror group and incitement. He had been in and out of detention and had undertaken five hunger strikes since 2004.
#KhaderAdnan #Hungerstrike #PoliticalPrisoner #Gaza #WestBank #IDF #BenGvir #Netanyahu #IslamicJihad #Prisoner
#palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

#Haaretz have opened their paywall for this article:



As Israelis Protest Mounting Authoritarianism, Apartheid Regime Over Palestinians Goes Unchallenged

The Israeli government has deployed an array of legal and policy pretexts to extend its domination of the West Bank, most notably by supporting the more than half million Israeli settlers who illegally moved there. Since a new, far-right coalition took power, Israel has been roiled by mass protests that reached an apex this week, as hundreds of thousands of Israelis took to the streets to oppose plans by Netanyahu — who is currently fighting corruption charges — to severely curtail the independence of the country’s judiciary. But the political crisis means little to Palestinians, including the 1.6 million with Israeli citizenship, who have long viewed Israel’s courts as complicit in their oppression, and the legal system many Israelis are now rushing to defend as an enabler to the regime of racial domination forced upon them.

“Palestinians know that Israel has only ever been a democracy for its Jewish citizens, and never for us,” George Bisharat and Jamil Dakwar wrote in an op-ed for Haaretz this week. “What we are witnessing today is an internal Israeli Jewish struggle over who will administer an apartheid regime over the Palestinians, not a genuine fight for democracy for all.”

Few Israelis took to the streets last May, for instance, when Israel’s highest court put an end to a decadeslong legal battle Palestinian residents of a dozen communities in Masafer Yatta had been fighting to stay on their lands — inside what Israel had unilaterally declared a “firing zone.” The proceedings followed Israel’s declaration in the 1980s of a large section of Masafer Yatta as a restricted, military area for the army to train in. Since then, Palestinians living there faced forcible expulsions, frequent home demolitions, rising settler violence, and a host of other coercive measures seeking to drive them off the land — all while illegal Israeli settlements expanded around them with no consequence. Last May, their legal battle ended when the same court whose legitimacy hundreds of thousands of Israelis are now fighting to preserve ruled definitively that there are no “legal barriers” to the planned expulsion of Palestinians from the firing zone. The court — which is Israel’s Supreme Court but rules as the High Court of Justice when deciding matters of state authority, as in the Masafer Yatta case, — is made up of 15 judges appointed by the president of Israel. The court is being targeted by Netanyahu, who wants to change the way judges are selected as well as the laws the court can rule on, in addition to giving Parliament the power to overturn its decisions.

#Israel #Palestine #Democracy #Apartheid #IsraelProtests #WestBank #Occupation #Politics


Speaking yesterday in Paris, #Israel's overlord of occupied #Palestinian territory, Minister #Smotrich denied the very existence of a Palestinian people, while speaking from a podium adorned with a map of Israel straddling the West Bank and #Jordan.

This map is based on the crest of the "Irgun" (The National Military Organization in the Land of Israel 1931-1949), a militant group claiming the entirety of historic #Palestine and the Kingdom of #Jordan for a Jewish state.

For an #Israeli Minister to speak off that podium is in itself a diplomatic affront to francediplomat who admitted him and JordanMoFARX, whose territorial integrity and political independence are questioned, in addition to his abhorrent denial of #Palestinian existence.

#Westbank #France


Israeli settlers clash with Palestinians in flashpoint West Bank town

#HUWARA: Israeli settlers and Palestinians clashed overnight on Monday near the #WestBank village of Hawara, the scene of a violent rampage last week by dozens of settlers seeking revenge for the shooting of two Israeli brothers.
Hawara, a Palestinian village near a major road checkpoint, has become the latest flashpoint between Israelis and Palestinians after months of worsening violence in the occupied West Bank.
Israeli army and border police forces dispersed crowds of what the military described as “a number of violent riots” near Hawara overnight and videos shared on social media showed a group of black-clad youths attacking a Palestinian car before its driver manages to pull away.
Other footage appeared to show Israeli soldiers dancing together with Jewish settlers in the town on what was the Jewish festival of Purim. “Hawara has been conquered, gentlemen!,” a voice is heard saying in Hebrew.

#Israel #Palestine #Occupation #Apartheid #Terrorism



Israeli women mistaken for Palestinians get a small taste of what Palestinians endure daily from rabid colonialist terrorists.

"Israelis attack their car b/c they thought they were Palestinians.. they were in fact, israelis getting a taste of what it's like to be Palestinian "

(warning Twitter link)
#Israel #Terrorism #Politics #WestBank #Occupation #Apartheid #Video


Israeli forces are launching an all-out assault on Jenin refugee camp, killing nine Palestinians as of 11:07 am today, January 26.

In a brutal assault on the Jenin refugee camp Thursday morning, Israeli forces killed nine Palestinians and injured over a dozen others, making it the deadliest day for Palestinians in 2023 and one of the single deadliest raids in the West Bank in years. A tenth Palestinian was killed later in the day in al-Ram during clashes with the Israeli army.

#Israel #Politics #Occupation #Westbank #Palestine #Hypocrisy #Terrorism #Apartheid


Israeli forces in the West Bank killed 10 Palestinians on Thursday, officials in the occupied territory said, nine of them in a raid the Israeli military described as a "counterterrorism operation".

No condemnation by any of the moral guardians of the western world! Israel has the right to kill who ever they want, whenever they want. Just call them terrorists and no one dares to question Israel's right to "defend" itself.

▶️ http://u.afp.com/idEL

#Israel #Politics #Occupation #Westbank #Palestine #Hypocrisy #Terrorism


Palestinians don't have the right to defend themselves. If they do, they get shot and killed!

This is the disgusting show of an #apartheid system!

Horrific videos came in this afternoon of an apparent attack by Jewish settlers on Palestinian hikers near Al-Auja, occupied #WestBank.

#Politics #Israel #Occupation #Palestine #Terrorism



Dawabsheh does not like to look back.

He has good reason. The 12-year-old survived one of the worst settler attacks in recent years when his family’s home in the village of Duma in the occupied West Bank district of Nablus was firebombed by Israeli settlers in 2015.

Ahmad’s 18-month-old brother Ali was burned to death.

His father Saad died a week later from his injuries. Riham, Ahmad’s mother, died a month after that.

Ahmad was 4 at the time. He sustained severe burns all over his body.

And the attack still casts a dark shadow over life in the village.

According to Nasser Dawabsheh, 48, the uncle who is now raising Ahmad, relations between the villagers in Duma and the settlers surrounding them have only gotten worse – and since 2015 the village has been attacked at least a dozen more times.

As for Ahmad, he is trying to put it behind him.

“The attack doesn’t affect me anymore because I don’t allow myself to think about it,” Ahmad told The Electronic Intifada, sitting on a sofa chair in his uncle’s home. He attempts to twirl a football in between his fingers, catching it before it falls to the ground.

Ahmad still has burn scars across the right side of his face and across his body. He has had years of reconstructive surgery and skin grafts, and his treatment is far from over.

Every six months, he must undergo laser skin treatment for the scars, along with hair restoration surgeries and more skin grafts. The family receives special military permission to access this treatment at an Israeli hospital.

“We don’t feel happy going there [inside Israel],” Nasser said. “But it is only Israeli hospitals that have the medical equipment, so we have no other choice.”

As tensions soar across the occupied West Bank – the United Nations finding that 2022 has been the “deadliest year” for Palestinians in the West Bank since it started counting fatalities in 2005 – the Dawabsheh family is left to fend for themselves.

(📸 Jaclynn Ashly)

From "Family of baby killed by settlers fears fresh attacks" by Jaclynn Ashly. Read the full article at electronicintifada.net.

#Israel #Occupation #Aparteid #Politics #WestBank #Inhumanuty


Minister for Jewish Terrorism Ben Gvir threatens lives of Israeli leftists: "time to deal with them."

We are watching as Israel is turning full fascist, the enemy is not just the Arabs, the Palestinians or outsiders, it is now anyone who oppose the extremist and out of control vigilante leadership of the new far-right, Jewish-Taliban coalition of Netanyahu.

Invoking Loyalty and 'Jewish Anarchists,' Ben-Gvir Assumes Office

Outgoing Public Security Minister Omer Bar-Lev says Jews intimidated him for speaking out against extremist settlers. His successor, Itamar Ben-Gvir, tells him 'you are not the only one being threatened'.

Bar-Lev explained that Jewish Israelis had threatened him because he had warned against extremist settlers who commit hate crimes against Palestinians. He also noted that investigations of these hate crimes had increased in the West Bank.

"It is important to me to use this platform to tell the police, the combat personnel and everyone who fights terror: Any terrorist who seeks to harm you, his blood will be upon his own head. And I will back you fully in this war."

The new minister then added that he had also faced death threats from the public. “I listened closely to your speech, and I must tell you that, unfortunately, you are not the only one being threatened," Ben-Gvir said.

"Let’s talk about my wife Ayala and my children. You will find that almost every week we receive pictures of bloody knives and edited photos of them, and calls to murder me again and again. It’s not just from Israel’s enemies. It’s also from anarchistic Jews, whom the time has come to deal with.”

#Politics #Israel #Extremism #StateSponsoredTerrorism #Fascism #Occupation #Apartheid #BenGvir #Netanyahu #Jerusalem #WestBank



She went up to the roof searching for her cat, but her parents found her dead body, with a bullet in her head instead.

This is the story of #JanaZakarneh, the sixteen-year-old Palestinian girl who was shot with seven bullets while she was looking for her pet yesterday in #Jenin.

It is nothing new and as always

"Israeli military is saying it likely shot a Palestinian girl in the head, killing her, and was an accident."

#Israel #Occupation #WestBank #Impunity #Palestine


Israeli forces shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian girl during a raid in the occupied #WestBank.

Soldiers reportedly shot Jana Zakarneh in the head while she was standing on the roof of her house.

#Israel have killed 215+ Palestinians this yr, incl. 50 #children.


While Americans ate a thanksgiving feast...

#Israel was imprisoning its own youth who stood up for #peace and human rights

Read their brave statement here

More detail on what happened:

...in Israel, four conscientious objectors, Shahar Schwartz (18-year-old), Einat Gerlitz (19), Evyatar Moshe Rubin (19), and Nave Shabtay Levin (18), were imprisoned again for their refusal to serve in the #military. The four objectors jointly declared their refusal to join the #Israeli #army in September, stating their refusal to take part in the Israeli #occupation of the #WestBank and #Gaza Strip. With their last #imprisonment, each of them will stay 45 days more in prison.

#antiwar #propeace #pacifist #pacifism #HumanRights


B'Tselem בצלם بتسيلم : Two days ago, Palestinians from Turmusaya discovered that settlers had cut down 115 grown olive trees in their grove.

The trees were cut a while back, but the owners of the plot did not discover it earlier as Israel allows them to access their land for only a few days each year, during the harvest season.

Today they went back, to harvest another part of the grove, and discovered that settlers had cut another 120 trees.

#Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Terrorism #Environment #WestBank #Politics #Palestine


Settler terrorists are now targeting Jewish activists as well as Palestinians living in Occupied West Bank!

The Israeli military standing by and watching them destroy the cars of Jewish activists without interfering. Their job is to make sure Palestinians don't harm the settlers! PERIOD!

In the mean time, 100s of Olive trees were destroyed, the harvest of Palestinian farmers stolen and their properties damaged under the watch of the #Apartheid army of #Israel!

#Politics #Terrorism #Palestine #WestBank