

#fl-fleur24 #fl-janvier24 #balade #paysage #nature #environnement #pensée #voyage #imagination #musique #music #zen
Quand tout se fracasse dans le quotidien
j'écoute, je regarde, j'écoute ça...
ça fait imaginer tout plein de belles choses
pour s'inventer du bonheur
tout à l'intérieur de soi
rien que pour soi
et tant pis si tout s'effondre
et que la brutalité du monde n'en finit plus.
Je regarde ou j'écoute pour m'en aller
je pars très loin
je me balade
parfois quelque part sur un Océan
parfois loin dans une Forêt primaire
jamais découverte
je m'en vais faire l'ascension d'une Montagne
juste comme ça
et arrivée au sommet
je contemple le Monde
et je le trouve bien comme il est.
Je m'extasie d'être arrivée si haut
toute seule
je pense alors à ceux qui ont été et ne sont plus
à cette sorte d'affection que rien ne peut troubler
même les hurlements et les cris et les brutalités du monde.
Parce qu'il y a des sensations affectueuses
qui ne s'en vont jamais
quoiqu'il arrive.
... ça fait qu'on aime et puis c'est la vie.

Deep Healing Energy | 528Hz Ancient Frequency | Sound Healing Session | Zen Meditation



https://mastodon.art/@Lola/110759645349781011 Lola@mastodon.art - So, it's #caturday, perfect timing to share the new freebie I just uploaded 😻
If you enjoy #coloring pages, and you also love #cats, here's a pack of cat doodles I drew, to print and color 😺🖍
These packs I do are free for personal use, but you can also leave a tip there, or check the links on my bio (no commitment! only if you can) :blobcathearthug:
I hope you like it, and feel free to boost this post ❤  

#MastoArt #doodles #free #art #coloringbook #zen #relax


It is possible to live happily in the here and the now. So many conditions of happiness are available - more than enough for you to be happy right now. You don't have to run into the future in order to get more.

Thich Nhat Hanh

#buddhism #zen #dharma #mindfulness


--15 min.--
If there was anyone who knew #how to #cultivate #compassion, it was #Milarepa.
Milarepa was an #enlightened #Tibetan #spiritual master who was born in 1452.
He is considered one of the greatest #Buddhist masters who ever lived. During his lifetime, Milarepa established the lineage of the Kagyu sect; however, he is very highly venerated, to this day, by all schools of Tibetan Buddhism.

Today as we go through this school of life, we shall try to understand how an enlightened person lives. In our pursuit of wonder, we shall borrow knowledge from the following traditions: Buddhism( #Zen and #Tibetian), #Advaita #Vedanta, #Taoism, Confucianism and other schools of #philosophy.

In the West, the intuition of emptiness (expressed in Western philosophy often as nihilism) is conceived as lack. This inherent sense of lack, according to the scholar David R. Loy, is seen as needing to be overcome or obsessively filled. This explains the West's hyper-consumerism, narcissism, and obsession with things and status.

We obsessively spend our days in the desperate attempt to fill with consumer goods the void intuited at the centre of existence.

The East (even though becoming more and more Westernised every day) has traditionally seen emptiness, not as lack, but as pure potentiality.

That is to say, emptiness is seen as pure allowing. That which allows anything at all to exist.

Emptiness is seen as the generative ground from which anything at all can arise.