Yesterday a friend was visiting from out of town, and I had an opportunity to play my first fill game of Warhammer 40,000. We pitted my fledgling Death Guard army against his Deathwatch (no relation) space marines. I actually won quite handily, which surprised me. I was ahead on points and completely destroyed all of his units by turn 3. I'm not going to feel smug about it because my friend was giving me a lot of advice along the way. Still, he didn't let me win; it was a legitimate victory.
I also gained a unit of five Blightlord Terminators which he was able to get me at half price from his local hobby store because they're already assembled (but unpainted). They accidentally threw in a kit-bashed Lord of Contagion that as best we can tell was meant to be a conversion to a Sorcerer in Terminator Armour, which is awesome because I've been lacking an HQ unit. Score.
#warhammer #warhammer40k #gaming #tabletop #wargaming #miniatures
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