#Vishakha #Nakshatra

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#Indragni as a deity brings to the table qualities of both gods, Indras source power and force, and Agni as a sacrificial or ceremonial fire. Similar to other Nakshatras Vishakha also shows the duality of harming or healing, fire in puja or burning down, similar to Krittika and Purva Bhadrapada but with gentler energy.

Vishakha Nakshatra is a Nakshatra of options and the ability to succeed and reach your goals through your own effort and work. One symbol is an archway covered in leaves. Entering and going through this archway, gateway, you will get to new things on the other side. Once you’ve advanced to this new world a new archway will appear and so you keep going through and entering into higher states of awareness every time you cross a new threshold.

Vishakha Nakshatra not only gives the ability to choose and options but also the ability, and maybe duty, to make decisions. Every step and every choice we make gets us to a new level of awareness and with the guiding light and powerful force of Indragni, hopefully we make choices that serve ourselves us much as the higher collective good. Vishakha people reach their goals with great ambition, focus and dedication to whatever they are after.

This power of option, of decision, of going one way or another can also indicate the choice between a material or a spiritual lifestyle while at the same time showing the ability to marry the two and still advance on the path to elevated consciousness.

People with planets in Vishakha in their birth chart have the ability to be strong and able to achieve what they set out to achieve. They do very well on their own and can do great things when left to their own devices. And yet sometimes these people can get lonely, there is a pairing aspect in this Nakshatra ruled by the deity Indragni (Indra & Agni), as well as Vishakha together with Anuradha making one the the four pairs we find in the Nakshatra wheel (the others are Purva- and Uttara Phalguni, Purva- and Uttara Ashadha, and Purva and Uttara Bhadrapada).

Vishakha was originally named Radha afterLord Krishna’s consort Radha, and is followed by Anuradha Nakshatra, “Anu” meaning the other, making Anuradha the other Radha.

This Nakshatra can bring mixed results, remember, duality, which makes it perfect for every day chores and things that don’t require a specific outcome. With the Moon here it’s an interesting constellation to practice decision making. With options also comes responsibility, so it’s not a bad time to make those pro- and con lists and practice some discernment, think through priorities and maybe explore the idea of different ways to get to where you want to go or what you want to get and create focus around it.

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