Venice copyright

The absolute fundamental infringe, were discarded visuals, replacing their content with hunger, niche combatants replying to conceded respites, they concise luminary love a habitual standard, stellar contemporaries litigating resourceful interludes. Apertures of time, relocate vicissitudes of nuptial bereavement, concessional misplacement, abandon of the hearts locate, stars shimmery platforms, you walk a mile without knowing the future, his reply sealed letters unread.

Time named solitude, they aged with filtered eyes, surpassing in recollecting a rebirth, voice or tune, lovers of effervescence, carbonic imprints a star fallen. Opined his thoughts, they looked salient, carbon free the sorrow claimed your oceans sails, bereavement fond of founding winters, cloves garnish with tinctures you exhale, houses mailed his redress, warmer the discarded thoughts, exiled a carriage regarded a slumber at birth.

#verse #renewal #regenerate #poetry #microliterature #composure

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