How the U.S. Capitol Police were overrun in a ‘monumental’ security failure

Inside the U.S. Capitol, the rioters were in charge.

Trump supporters were roaming freely, carrying off furniture. Capitol Police had not asked other law enforcement agencies for help until their building was surrounded by a mob seeking to overturn the election results. Now, their officers were exhausted and injured. Their chief was down the street, in the department command center, and a police commander on the scene was pacing in a circle. Top congressional leaders, hidden in secure rooms, were calling the governors of Maryland and Virginia directly to plead for help. ...


Those failures began days before the attack, when law enforcement agencies across Washington failed to prepare for an assault on the Capitol — even as Trump supporters openly plotted one online. They were compounded by the slow response on the day of the siege, when Capitol Police and other federal agencies did not head off a mass of Trump supporters who descended on the Capitol, egged on by the president himself, and command within the complex broke down. ...


By early Wednesday afternoon, Sund made an urgent plea for backup from the D.C. National Guard during a call with top Pentagon and city officials, according to officials familiar with the call. But Defense officials balked, concerns about the “optics” of soldiers inside the Capitol building, two District officials said.

Yes: the US Military directly refused to come to the aid of the US Congress whilst it was under active deadly attack. Army, according to Carol Leonnig on a WBUR Here and Now intervview. [Audio](//

Congressmembers, including speaker Nancy Pelosi, and House Majority Leader Steny H. Hoyer appealed direcly to states, including Virgiia and Maryland:

[Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan (R) ] said he was initially stymied: Maj. Gen. Timothy Gowen, the adjutant general of the Maryland National Guard, was repeatedly rebuffed by the Defense Department.


[Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D)] said he mobilized Virginia National Guard units. They did not arrive at the Capitol until Thursday morning, long after the breach was over. Virginia also sent state police troopers, who arrived earlier.

At a news conference Thursday, Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy, who along with the acting defense secretary was commanding the D.C. Guard on the president’s behalf, defended the Pentagon’s handling of the requests for backup from the Capitol Police and congressional lawmakers.

Emphasis added in all instances.

I see this as direct evidence that the US Military is actively compromised by treasonous seditionist elements. This is a profound institutional failure.

#Jan6Coup #insurrection #USCapitol #USArmy #RyanMcCarthy #treason #institutions