#Jolla #SailfishOS #Aurajoki

2016-09-07: Roll-out to all users

[release notes] 2.0.2 / Aurajoki

Upgrade version history

  • 2016-07-28: Early access release
  • 2016-08-31: Early access release updated
  • 2016-09-07: Roll-out to all users.

(detailed changelog)

#Jolla #SailfishOS #2-0-2-51 #2016-09-07 #2016-Sep-07 #RolloutToAllUsers #250MB

before attempting to upgrade your device:

  • If you use 3rd party software, you should probably take some extra care before updating - check the "Upgrading your devices" section in the [release notes].

  • Take a backup of your data before attempting to upgrade your device. A successful backup operation is indicated by a green dot in the UI.

  • Copy the backup to memory card - not much point of a backup otherwise ...

  • Then close all apps before you actually install the update!
    (May not be necessary - but better safe, than sorry.)

For detailed update instructions, see Jolla Zendesk.

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