#Dhanishta #Nakshatra in #Astrology
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As the name suggests, Dhanishta Nakshatra endows wealth and fame on the person born under this astrological placement. #Mars is the lord of Dhanishta Nakshatra, which is considered to be the ‘God of Wars’. It provides enormous energy and zeal to make an impact in every field the person touches upon.

The Hindu deity for this constellation is the ‘Eight #Vasus’, i.e., Apah (wind), Anala (fire), Anila (earth), Dhruv (north star), Dhara (water), Pratyusha (Sun), Prabhasha (sky) and Soma (Moon). Being blessed with all these eight elements, there’s no stopping for these people when it comes to success.

Dhanishta Nakshatra people have an exceptional taste for #music and arts. They have a rhythmic inclination which makes them pioneers in this field. Also, they have high energy and are good at coordination; hence, excelling in sports, especially involving team coordination, is prevalent. They are hard-working, intelligent, reliable resources and have a knack for material stability.

Wealth and fame come to them because of their nature to dab into multiple skill-sets and ambitions, but it’s due to their perseverance to passing through any hurdle that comes in their way. They are social beings and know very well how to honour others. These wise beings are pious and religious and live up to their words. They are high achievers and inspirations to others.

In the zodiac wheel, Moola Nakshatra is connected to the Capricorn & Aquarius signs.


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