#Quote from #pa
Do you believe in #God ?
"I believe in Monistic Idealism. This means I believe everything is ultimately one #consciousness. I’m attracted to non-duel philosophies like Neoplatonism or #Advaita #Vedanta. When I was younger I thought that a collective mind would be not as self aware as a little individual mind, but now I don’t think that is the case. A transcendent mind with so much more information could be more aware and powerful. That’s what I think of as God. That’s what makes sense to me. I have had experiences which have proven to me that there is a spiritual world full of spiritual beings, but as far as an ultimate godhead, I guess I don’t know for sure. I like to believe there is though."

Source: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DcrkHBpG5kM

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