#3timesasecond #information #secreted #93billionsecrets #agnogenesis #agnotology
it gets expensive, keeping things expensive.
#restoreabundance #reavailabundance #russellbrand #matthewconnolly
no science or democracy under censorship nor under secreting classification.
#didntdoit #needtoknow #itsapuppet #deepstate #congress #courts #disclosure #education
how many of those secrets do you suspect serve to maintain a rigged game for industry?
no #emancipationtechnology for you.
only the #prisonware they tell you to be used by.

#staydownslave #remaindefeatist #orriottoprovokethenextphase #problemreactionsolution #ugh
3 times a second, a gov bod makes something secret.
what a waste of human potential, under the weight of ignorance generated by the #barricade of #secrecy

3 times a second, a gov bod makes something secret.

what a waste under the weight of ignorance by secrecy.

we could have spaceships for everybody already, you know, by now, surely, right?

or have they covered and discredited enough of that trail, that your research was truncated, along with your imagination of the range of possibilities?

srsly. i'm not joking with the #spaceshipsforeverybody stuff. you've got to look up this stuff. it's important. even just look into patent secrecy...

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