LinkedIn kills "Intro" -- the MITM IMAP attack "feature"

Computerworld: "LinkedIn introduces, quickly says goodbye to email service that sparked security concerns"

LinkedIn is shutting down Intro, its recently launched mobile service for connecting people over email, that raised security concerns.

LinkedIn launched Intro last October, as part of a larger push into becoming a "mobile first" company. The service was made for the iPhone, and was designed to grab LinkedIn profile information and insert it into emails received on phones. The service displayed that information to the recipient from the email's sender if the sender was also on LinkedIn....

"Tech products come and go these days and many have short lifespans," said Vincent Liu, a partner at the firm, via email.

Um. Yeah.

h/t Slashdot (yeah, that Slashdot)

#linkedin #imap #mitm #security #productfail #slashdot