Generative AI == pollution, says Erik Hoel.

"The amount of AI-generated content is beginning to overwhelm the internet. Or maybe a better term is pollute. Pollute its searches, its pages, its feeds, everywhere you look. I've been predicting that generative AI would have pernicious effects on our culture since 2019, but now everyone can feel it. Back then I called it the coming 'semantic apocalypse.' Well, the semantic apocalypse is here."

Google search fake results and SEO heisting, Twitter bots, engagement farming, AI musicians, AI "historical" images, AI authors for Sports Illustrated, the hell that is AI-generated children's YouTube content, ...

"The OpenAI team didn't stop to think that regular users just generating mounds of AI-generated content on the internet would have very similar negative effects to as if there were a lot of malicious use by intentional bad actors."

Here lies the internet, murdered by generative AI

#solidstatelife #genai #aiethics