03.11.2021 Hand in Hand: Hand in Hand grieves the loss of Engracia Figueroa

Engracia and Christine were stuck in the airport for nearly five hours, during which Engracia was forced to sit in a broken manual wheelchair. Her struggle to maintain her balance over that length of time in the faulty device led to significant injuries. When she was finally able to return home, she experienced acute pain, and was admitted to the hospital multiple times in the subsequent months.

Fehlende #Barrierefreiheit kann töten.

Es scheint nicht sooo ungewöhnlich zu sein, daß Flugpersonal Rollstühle kaputt macht:

On average, airlines damage or destroy 29 wheelchairs per day.

29 Rollstühle. Jeden verdammten Tag. Und die Folgen sind den Airlines scheißegal. Unfaßbar. 😡


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