NPR: Neera Tanden Apologizes After Comparing GOP Senators To Voldemort And Vampires

It was an apology tour of sorts.

Neera Tanden instantly became one of President Biden's most polarizing Cabinet nominees when she was selected to head the Office of Management and Budget because of sharp-elbowed comments she had made about Republicans while running a left-leaning think tank.

So at her confirmation hearing on Tuesday, Tanden was contrite, apologizing for her remarks. She also promised to work in a bipartisan manner if she's confirmed.

"I do think the last several years have been very polarizing and I apologize for my language that has contributed to that," Tanden told members of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. "I know it's on me to demonstrate to this committee and to Republican members and Democratic members I can work with anyone." ...

Voldemort and the vampires have accepted the apology.

#JoeBiden #Apologies #ImSorry #Insults #Vampires #Voldemort #HeWhoShallNotBeNamed