The United Nations has the power to punish Putin. This is how it can be done

This situation plainly cannot continue while Ukraine burns. A sensible, doable first step would be to change the rules, via an exceptional one-off vote, to allow majority voting in the security council on specifically Ukraine-related issues. Russia’s inevitable veto could be overridden, and the rule change ratified, by the anti-Russia two-thirds majority that already exists in the general assembly. If Putin didn’t like it, he could lump it. And if he didn’t comply with subsequent resolutions – for example, on withdrawing Russian forces – all UN members would be expected to support UN-agreed punitive measures, as in the case of North Korea.

Majority voting in the UNSC could be introduced more generally over time. But, in any event, Guterres should now ask all member states to support the convening of a new foundational conference akin to that in San Francisco in 1945, to relaunch the UN, institutionally and organisationally, in ways that reflect the global power balances and priorities of the 21st century.

#Guardian #SimonTisdall #UN #UNSC #UNHRC

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