#Ethiopia's military has clashed with fighters from a militia in the #Amhara region, residents said on Wednesday.

Fano, a part-time militia with no formal command structure, backed federal troops in a two-year civil war in the neighbouring Tigray region that ended last November. But the relationship has soured over what some in the region say is a disregard by the national government for Amhara's security.

Fano fighters and Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) troops clashed near Debre Tabor on Tuesday and Wednesday, a doctor at a hospital in the town and a police officer told Reuters news agency. Both asked not to be named for security reasons."

The doctor said the hospital had received three people with serious injuries and 10 with minor injuries, including wounds from gunshots and heavy weapons.

Sudanese government source for Al-Jazeera: The Sudanese authorities closed the Qalabat crossing with Ethiopia due to the fighting in the Ethiopian border areas.

#Africa #War #Sudan

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