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COMETS LIKE IT HOT: Yesterday, Sept. 17th, #Comet #Nishimura (C/2023 P1) made a close approach to the #sun deep inside the orbit of #Mercury (0.22 AU). The comet survived. Petr Horalek photographed it emerging intact from Mount Lysa in Sabinov, Slovakia:

"Because of the glare of sunset, the comet was not visible to the naked eye, however I was able to photograph it using a 5 second exposure at ISO 1000," says Horalek. "The comet's brightness is hard to estimate. Considering other stars and the comet's location over the horizon, I believe it to be magnitude 2.0 to 2.5."

Horalek's estimate agrees with that of other experienced observers. If the comet remains this bright, it could become easy to see as it recedes from the sun in the evenings ahead.

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