"Google has indexed inaccurate infrastructure-as-code samples produced by Pulumi AI [...] and the rotten recipes are already appearing at the top of search results."

Pulumi AI is a chatbot that generates solutions to infrastructure-as-code problems.

"Software developers have found some of the resulting AI-authored documentation and code inaccurate or even non-functional."

But the worse part is, Google has indexed Pulumi AI's answers and is giving them to people in Google Search results.

It looks like "the curse of recursion" that I told you all about last June -- almost a year ago -- is becoming a reality in real life.

There's an old adage in the computer industry (dating all the way back to the 1950s, believe it or not): "Garbage in, garbage out."

Now we can call it "the curse of recursion" or "model collapse", though.

Google Search results polluted by buggy AI-written code frustrate coders

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