#Ashlesha #Nakshatra, which is from 16°40’ to 30°00’ degrees in Cancer, is the 9th Nakshatra in the zodiac as per Indian #Vedic Astrology. The symbol for Ashlesha Nakshatra is a coiled #serpent. This lunar mansion is the deceptive divine serpent who resides in the zodiac sign of Cancer. The presiding deity for Ashlesha is the Sarpas, the snakes or a group of snake. They are often referred in Hindu Vedic lores as one lives beneath the earth in the realm known as Pataala. This type of association for this Naga nakshatra and such snake related symbolisms makes Ashlesha denote everything associated with the snake. There is an Indian perspective of snakes as wily, creepy creatures often said to hypnotise their prey and then entwining or coiling themselves around their victims before they get any sort of consciousness.
An Ashlesha native or people with Ashlesha Nakshatra are also credited with great wisdom, cunning, insight, powers of concentration, and primordial energy and power or vigour. This primordial vigour is particularly sexual power. So people even relate this nakshatra to Ketu in astrology for the traits of serpent deity. But not to forget that Ashlesha is the Nakshatra which is ruled by planet Mercury and is signified by a serpent deity. Hence it depicts the very unusual side of #Mercury. As the symbol represents a coiled snake, many also say Ashlesha even possess the quality of #snake which is coiled and ready to act. Though the action depends on the type of planet associated with this lunar mansion.
Many astrologers quote that, Ashlesha Nakshatra rules qualities like deception, insincerity, secrecy, greed, actions like attacking at the hind side, cold-bloodedness and poisonous or painful things. While the positive side of Ashlesha Nakshatra gives insight, wisdom and holistic understanding into any subject. When this lunar mansion has a good influence of strong Jupiter it can also enable divine wisdom.
Moon in Ashlesha Nakshatra: The people whose Birth star is Ashlesha Nakshatra are ones who are inattentive to the work of other people. Ashlesha native is sinful and ungrateful. They can be promiscuous eaters and they are skilled in deceiving others.
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