Internationalists from many countries around the world are fighting in defence of the #Rojava #revolution or helping to build it. One of them is Heval Agit (Jozef Krol), an internationalist from #Poland. Agit is 33 years old and joined the ranks of #YPG -International in 2018. He told the daily Özgür Politika that he was confronted with the Kurdish #freedom struggle for the first time during the #war for #Kobanê. Then, when Afrin was attacked, he said, he decided to take part in the defence of the region." The war crimes committed by the Turkish #state and the silence of the world public opinion about it are unbearable," Agit said in view of the occupation of #Afrin and criticised the support of the invasion by the #EU, #Russia and the #UN through their approval and silence. #turkey #women #ecology #capitalism #isis #genocide #iraq

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