#astrology #eclipse #pluto #libra

The Cosmic Story: Eclipse Season Autumn 2023
Cathy Pagano

..."Eclipses always herald a time of change. We can see the whole 6-week eclipse season (two weeks before and after the two eclipses) as a portal, which opens to our past, so we can work with it in the now to create a more conscious future.

This is where astrology and the imagination are helpful in decoding and releasing the old story and birthing a new one. Astrology gives you the archetypal structure being resonated and the Imagination fills in the blanks with your personal story.
An ongoing aspect has been Pluto in Capricorn squaring the Aries/Libra nodes. This aspect has been part of this summer’s New and Full Moon charts. The state of our world (Capricorn) is challenging us(Aries NN) to do something about it (Libra SN)!
As Pluto moves forward again, will the citizens of the world hold our leaders accountable? Pluto backed up to within 20’ of the US Pluto return, so this is the last wakeup call we Americans get to ‘turn this ship around’. The question we have to ask is Can we make a democracy work? The answer is yes, if we the people do our job as citizens and participate.
Libra’s gifts concern our social interactions. Our marriages and partnerships, our alliances, peace and diplomacy, legal matters and the court. Libra is also concerned with the Arts, with fashion and beauty, with social status as well as equality. All these are gifts of Aphrodite/Venus, the ruler of Libra.

Venus is the ruler of this eclipse. She has just been through her retrograde in Leo, and she is now in Virgo opposite Saturn in Pisces at the eclipse. She understands the collective longing for peace, for love, for security (Saturn in Pisces). In Virgo, Venus’ virginity wants to be of service to Libra relationships. Venus wants us to bring more courtesy, more kindness, more balance, more love into our relationships. This is not a sign of weakness; it takes strength to stay loving in our chaotic world.

If we did our work this summer while Venus was in Leo for 4 months, our self-worth is strong and centered in our own creative vision.
When the Nodes are in Aries and Libra, it is a call to renew our self-identity, to embrace our inner spirit and explore our life and live it. Look for new connections, new ideas, new relationships, new work. As we let go of our old co-dependent habits in all our relationships, we can create a more truthful, heartfelt world where courtesy, honesty, kindness, graciousness, and pleasure are the norm."

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